Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Applications must be in free form

Oh also, copy and pasting the example application isn't quite the best idea, but I'll give you a free pass if darthc3po admits your his friend.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Jun 26, 2014 at 01:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hi Rostiku, your application is great! I have some worries though, we aren't much of a Twinswords clan, but then again... We've got Darthp3co, he's pretty much into that. I'll invite you & see how things go.
Name: MrCIA
Belt: Blue
Competitive Mods: Judo, AikidoBigDojo, JudoFrac
Alts: AngleEater (Brown Belt) (Just got in a clan with this account)
Previous Clans: No
Why you left those previous clans: No previous Clans.
Why You need me: Why do you need me? Well, I want to be in this clan because everybody seems NICE, And talented. You need me because I will stay with the clan as long as you need. I will participate in most and lots of clan wars. I will try to push this clan to position number one spot. And I will never give up on this clan.


Real life name: Andy
Real life age: 14
Something cool about me: I am a basketball player who recently won the league championship that I am in.
Player Card: Just go to my achievements list.
GMT: Washington, State.
Hey MrCIA, haven't seen you play in-game, but a couple things: we don't accept people with alts in different clans, we have a Brown belt minimum (exceptions could be made), and we are a highly active Skype group clan. That means that a lot of our clans wars and events are managed in the skype group.

I will be saying no, due to a lack of brown belt and no replays to see your skill or in-game. Also, our "clanless alts policy" where we don't accept members with alts in other clans.
Hello my name is Luke I'm 17 I live in America and I'm a black belt and my most competitive mods are Judo and Judo frac. I don't have any alts and my previous clans are (drugged) and (teamXD). I left (teamXD) because the members were not active enough. I then joined (drugged) and left about two months later because some of the members were also not active and we never had clan wars. I feel you decide to take me in the clan you'd have an active player and a trusted player.
Last edited by luke55; Jul 10, 2014 at 05:19 PM.
I wanna be the best.I wanna be the best that ever played, and thats why I play the game.
Hello I Am WhyBeAre (And Yes The Real One) And I Am Not Currently brown atm im only 23 games away and u need me for my amazing aikido skills and my ability to keep a group laughin my irl name is isaac and my skype is iamthepawnzor i also have minecraft and im 14 years of age.
Hi! My name is Alex, and i live in Russia. i am 15 years old i started playing tori 5 months before. I love mods:judo and mushu.I havent a skype...
I have 58 ratio. I am active in-game. And i am not good in relax moves now, but i will learn Vibe is cool, one of the best clans, please accept me
Hi Im WhyBeAre Im Not Yet A Brown Bets Im Am only 50 games away though.I have amazing aikido skills well on any aikido based game im sure ill kick some butt.My Skype Is iamthepawnzor im 14 years of age and you can refer to me as YBR Whats What I Perfer Because If Someones Askin Me A Question FOr Exsample It Would Look Like "Why is this a privet game?" See it Looks Like Whys Part Of The Question so Thx.
Im Here It Seems They Wont Let Me in The Clan im Just In A Temp Clan Now Untill They Accept Me I Hope
Last edited by Soon; Jul 11, 2014 at 12:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I've read over the apps, still discussing Luke55 and YBR. An invite has been sent to enerfight. Please try to visit the forums a bit as you don't have Skype, our main mode of communication.
Hello, I am 16 years old and my name is Jack. I feel that I am a good fit as a prospective clan member to help your clan progress and become better than it already is as well as allow myself to grow as a player in this group. I am currently a black belt and have no alts, maintain a 54% win ratio (usually going up) and mainly play judo. At the time of writing this application my Judo ranking stands at 527 and my global at 1966. Previously I was in the OX Tether clan (OX) and before that The King of the Iron Fist Tournament clan (Tekken). I left OX due to the carelessness of members being allowed in and quickly realized that there was no merit in being a member. I left Tekken simply with hopes of finding a better clan. YOU need ME because I am a proficient player who can bring a set of skills to the table that will bring vast quantities of wins to your clan and represent you as a clan respectfully, maturely, and skillfully. I do not possess any skills relevant to this application outside of being good at the game. Except for being cool. That too. I play jazz Alto Saxophone, am a member of my schools "Advanced Choir", wrestle, play football, love Kung Pao chicken from Pei Wei, and after a particularly brutal hike in the Grand Canyon, I have some perverse pleasure with drinking ice cold water. That shit's fucking awesome yo. I am in the USA and timezone is GMT - 7:00. My skype is asianjack.
I do not know how to add my player card but if I did know how I would.
Forgot to add replays
Attached Files
Torso sever.rpl (35.6 KB, 6 views)
the slam.rpl (24.7 KB, 5 views)
The save!.rpl (27.5 KB, 5 views)
OX v. OX.rpl (35.4 KB, 4 views)
I am awesiome.rpl (27.4 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by AsianSugar; Jul 13, 2014 at 12:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump