Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I might as well bandwagon.
As most of you know my name is Rehbney, I am pure-bred Aussie with a white mother and aboriginal father.
Both my parents are deceased, mother taking on cancer for 3 months, and father who lost his life in 9/11.
I think I'm about 19ish, but I tend to forget a lot.
I am currently a manager of an IT store and I am single.
I grew up a pretty brutal life, because of my parents dying at a young age I was forced into a foster home of my aunt, who wasn't the kindest of people. She ignored when I was crying in pain, and if I was crying too much (especially if she was watching T.V) she would hit me; if I swore or back-chatted she would force a bar of soap into my mouth and made me hold it in there for five minutes.

My uncle was a better person, however he worked as a taxi driver so he wasn't there much, and he would often overlook some of the stuff that went down. He only really stood up for me when my aunt threatened me with a butcher knife. I now notice that she would be less violent towards me after that.
In school I was mainly silent, however I often found myself in fights mainly defending people who was being picked on. I guess I was an anti-bully due to my up bringing. I made a lot of friends for sticking up for people, and even though they wanted to kick my teeth in, I gained respect from the bullies for not being easy to take down in a fight.

In 10th grade I got 3 of my ribs shattered by a gang of people who I stopped from beating up one of my friends. Although, I must say I broke a kids nose and fractured another person's jaw bone.
That was all the excitement I really got out of my school years.
I passed 12th grade with flying colours and moved out of my sadistic aunt's house into a apartment with my mate Kris, who still lives with me, but in our own home.
I have many mental problems, including: ADD, ADHD, depression/anxiety, and insomnia.
I was often picked on for having ADD and ADHD, which lend into depression, and the anxiety apparently came from my aunt. I have insomnia thanks to nightmares caused by my aunt and how my mother died in front of me.
That's all I'm going to share, cheers.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
That was sad lorrtex. I wish things get better for you irl. Here in my country, if someone's parents die, the relatives are so nice they won't let you feel the need of parents.
There's nothing wrong in having ADD and/or ADHD at all. I have tons of friends with it, they're all fine. They're rather fun, actually ;). I also often get accused of having ADD and ADHD myself of people, because I'm, well, kinda crazy I guess. I sometimes even think it myself and I wouldn't have a problem with being it.

My cousin has anxiety, he's my favorite person in the world. He just needs some time alone sometimes.

I have insomnia myself as well, so does my second aunt. It's annoying as fuck.

My condolences about your parents, I hate how on the internet, you can't express how sorry you are about something. I hope you'll know that I am really sorry.

Your career sounds to be going in the right direction.

Also, I'm sure you'll find a girl (or a girl will find you ;o), you're awesome.

You are.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
That's a pretty rough life, Lorrtex. I may have had a bad life, but I can't imagine going through life without my parents. I truly wish that you're life grows into being successful, wealthy, and you have a beautiful family.
Thanks guys.
Also Demons I hope your life gets better as well. :]
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Fuck lorrtex... my heart hurts now dude you have to be a great guy if you had that much of trouble. Like always the good people have that fucked up life but the rich and stupid fucks get always a good life. I am sorry for you lorr.
Might as well give it a crack -

My real name is Rhys but most of my close mates call me Kiba.
When I was 6mths I was moved to Aus (I'm a born Kiwi) Ever since been living here. I live in a little place called Heavey Bay (shit hole) But its nice to relax to I suppose.

When I was younger from the ages from 5-14 I lived in brisbane CBD So i grew up in the city loving the night life when I could. I met my best mates Kittel, Dobby, Blade & Kat thorugh school they are older than myself but who cares right? So since then we have become close enough to be called Brothers.

Coming through school was hard for me as I lost me real dad at the age of 4...He used to beat my mother around every night from all the drugs what not...When I reached the point in my life I snapped & beat the shit out of him with a wooden basball bat...haven't seen him since...For good reason as for I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I have been told I have Extreme depression & Insomina which is why i'm always in forums/IRC because I rarely sleep due to my of issue's I have running in my life. I lost my girlfriend of 2yrs 4mths & 4days (Today) Which I can't seem to get over....

I currently own my own apartment with a friend named Demon also known as DC around here, So I work here & there I mix music alot & just try to be myself when i'm not being depressed...I'm a bi-sexual as you may know.

I don't really remember much of my younger days due to all the tablets I was taking from the doctors..I'm currently 20..I used to fight every chance I could get because i was bullyed like most poeple are today..So my schooling was shit very shit...So I left in grade 11 took a job with the Army & here I am today.

Thank you for looking at my story.

Rythm smells like Cheese