Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post

Yo con 25 años estuve a punto de irme a vivir a España este febrero, pero honestamente, tras comprar los boletos de avión y tras hacer maleta, la noche anterior tuve una visión bastante eclesiástica que me hizo ver que somos todos los hijos sangrantes de una patria que llora y muere mientras la gente la deja. No creo que no haya futuro acá, y puedes ver que no me estoy quejando de manera personal, yo estoy bien, pero sé que la gran mayoría no lo está, y me duelen tanto como sé que a tí también.

No juzgo al que se va, pues siento empatía por su situación, pero yo sé que mientras yo esté aquí va a haber un alma que lucha en el terreno; si acaso, va a quedar gente como yo que apague la luz si todos se van.

Ojo que sé que mi opinión y mi manera de contar las cosas no van acorde con lo radicalizado que está el país en este momento, que la mayoría decide creer ciega y ferventemente en María Corina y en el presidente miel, pero mamaguevo te lo juro que yo lo que quiero es que la gente se arreche con todos, haya una explosión social, y los militares de rangos medios tengan que forzar un golpe de estado para derrocar al hijo de puta de Maduro y luego llamar a elecciones libres, porque no me como ningún cuento político, todos son culpables y hasta que se logre sentar alguien más en miraflores voy a mantenerme creyendo que la oposición tampoco supone algo bueno para nuestro país.

verdaderamente loco, yo que tengo que salir a trabajar para buscarme la vida, ando en practicamente en un paron total, por toda la situacion, sali el 28 en la noche pq era mi cumpleaños y pensé en desestresarme un poco, y tuve que regresarme a mi casa casi que corriendo pq estaban saliendo los colectivos a joder a las personas, es demasiado arrecho tener que vivir esta situacion y no sentirse mal ni impactado, o no tener ganas de querer salir de aqui como sea, pero verdaderamente, respeto tu desicion de quedarte, y te aplaudo por ello, honestamente es mucha fortaleza mental de tu parte, mas aun sabiendo que tenias todo para irte y a practicamente ultimo momento decidiste el no hacerlo. Espero de corazon que Venezuela cambie para algo mas que un ambiente tan ambiguo, que uno no sabe si correr o seguir viviendo de manera "normal" despues de todo lo que ha ocurrido, se han llevado a varios de mis amigos presos, y gente ha muerto cerca de donde vivo, es un shock de realidad un poco bastante fuerte, y no me deja ganas en lo absoluto de seguir viviendo aqui, pero vengo y reitero, espero irme pronto, o si no, siento que mi vida se irá al pozo loco, esta jodida la vaina.

Espero que todos los demas venezolanos que juegan tb puedan sentirse en "libertad" de expresar lo que sienten en los forums, y haciendo un punto y aparte, sientes que el venezolano que no tenga un negocio a su nombre, podria dejar de sentirse tan angustiado con todo el tema del dinero? como uno suele sentirse normalmente
i came with a .38 and im leaving with a body
John 14:27. May a peaceful resolution occur for you, Alejandro. Stay safe.
<a href=https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6 target=_blank>https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6</a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

coming from pakistan and following the political turmoil there in the past decade plus i deeply relate to the situation in venezuela right now. there are so many parallels between each that i am truly saddened to see. i wish the best for all venezuelans, you will all be in my prayers
oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
Thanks for that man, it is people like us who have gone through these hardships who truly understand, but we are bound to get back up and keep on.

Going to be updating with whatever happens today, as of right now there's a huge amount of protesters in the capital, along with a caravan lead by Corina Machado and Edmundo González, so really I'm betting a lot on this moment, this makes or breaks a movement, as things in the street have been repressed due to the draconian measures on persecution that are being taken.

Originally Posted by basic View Post
also live here, shit ain't looking too hot. didn't even have that much hope heading towards the elections but people's hope infected me. i mean, with SO many people who fucking hate the government, i thought maybe this time it'll be impossible for them to commit fraud. how wrong i was lol. it's mind blowing how shameless that shit was

and now it's not even safe to go out, there's already been reports of several kidnappings and cops taking people's phones to see if they have anything "suspicious" so they can detain them. me and my friends have been making sure to delete all the shit we talk.

also here's a translated video of maduro talking about making the concentration camps. i don't know if this is a scare tactic or something but shit's crazy.

What's happening with the censorship and silencing methods is mind blowing and insane, I'm going out with a disposable old phone that I don't use anymore, as to have something when they ask for a checkup, but no way in hell I'm going anywhere with my regular phone.

Also I figured you guys would appreciate the fearmongering tactics being spread by the government right now, these videos, even though I have no time to translate, I'm sure will be understood without even a word. They are using memetic psychological horror to stop the people from insurrecting.

Content warning for arrests though, watch at your own discretion, nothing graphic but nothing good either.

Originally Posted by Deimos View Post
verdaderamente loco, yo que tengo que salir a trabajar para buscarme la vida, ando en practicamente en un paron total, por toda la situacion, sali el 28 en la noche pq era mi cumpleaños y pensé en desestresarme un poco, y tuve que regresarme a mi casa casi que corriendo pq estaban saliendo los colectivos a joder a las personas, es demasiado arrecho tener que vivir esta situacion y no sentirse mal ni impactado, o no tener ganas de querer salir de aqui como sea, pero verdaderamente, respeto tu desicion de quedarte, y te aplaudo por ello, honestamente es mucha fortaleza mental de tu parte, mas aun sabiendo que tenias todo para irte y a practicamente ultimo momento decidiste el no hacerlo. Espero de corazon que Venezuela cambie para algo mas que un ambiente tan ambiguo, que uno no sabe si correr o seguir viviendo de manera "normal" despues de todo lo que ha ocurrido, se han llevado a varios de mis amigos presos, y gente ha muerto cerca de donde vivo, es un shock de realidad un poco bastante fuerte, y no me deja ganas en lo absoluto de seguir viviendo aqui, pero vengo y reitero, espero irme pronto, o si no, siento que mi vida se irá al pozo loco, esta jodida la vaina.

Espero que todos los demas venezolanos que juegan tb puedan sentirse en "libertad" de expresar lo que sienten en los forums, y haciendo un punto y aparte, sientes que el venezolano que no tenga un negocio a su nombre, podria dejar de sentirse tan angustiado con todo el tema del dinero? como uno suele sentirse normalmente

rolo de cumpleaños nawebona, sí es jodido, y empatizo con todo lo que estás diciendo, yo tenía planeado mi viajecito de pinga a margarita con una amiga y tuvimos que cancelar todo porque obviamente se venía el peo, y gracias por tus palabras de apoyo sobre quedarme, realmente yo odiaba Venezuela a muerte, durante casi toda mi vida hasta ya avanzados mis 20s (ahorita tengo 25), y fue como a los 23 que me di cuenta que nunca cambiará el hecho de que soy de aquí, y siempre lo seré, y empecé a investigar y a aprender de la cultura nacional, y empecé a quererla y hoy en día es un pilar fundamental de quien soy, y como he dicho, tengo mis proyectos visualizados aquí y espero lograrlos, pude haberlo hecho afuera pero es simbólico que estoy luchando directamente aquí en el territorio sobre todo por la naturaleza política de los mismos.

Sobre lo económico y el estrés monetario que prevalece, siento que bajo un sistema -actualmente- anarcocapitalista a puertas cerradas en el cual no existe protección ni seguridad laboral siempre va a haber angustia. No puedo hablar por una experiencia ajena a mí, que actualmente estoy bien, pero yo casi quedo calvo durante la pandemia y tiempo después por el estrés de tener que, como artista independiente, mantener a mi familia durante el tiempo que no estábamos trabajando porque somos organizadores de eventos y espectáculos, y cada vez que hay paro así sea por pandemia o por peo político es la misma mierda, yo tuve que ponerme a hacer cualquier cosa loca para siquiera comer, y aún así pasé hambre, así que siento que, como he dicho, ésto ha de tratarse un problema a la vez, primero quiero que se cumpla la voluntad de la gente y luego se trabaja en el reestablecimiento económico y sobre todo en el orden y normalidad dentro del país para fortalecer la moneda y asegurar trabajos dignos y tangibles para todos

Originally Posted by Starfield View Post
John 14:27. May a peaceful resolution occur for you, Alejandro. Stay safe.

thanks man, I appreciate it, I hope all us venezuelans stay safe and get to a conclusion that makes all of us happy, didn't know there were other venezuelans here but ayo shoutout to us
Last edited by Alejandro; Aug 3, 2024 at 07:38 PM.
I am alive lol, I won't update this in detail any further because in the case I become a militant member against the government and the opposition (which really is growing on me because NOTHING is being done) this would be one more lead to identify me so I'll do one final post to summarize it all shortly

Me personally I believe the opposition has already sold their soul yet again, probably for a lot this time because hopes were super up; but on a less personal note, what stands right now is that we are being massively oppressed, jailed, tortured, detention without any sort of warrant or justice system paperwork, asked for our phones in police checkup points in the streets and any sign of dissidence leads to being incarcerated and sent to God knows where.

Streets-wise nothing is going on, allegedly on the 11th something big will happen but alas we anxiously wait. I do not trust the opposition so I am an ideological orphan, if I trusted the opposition I would be trying my best to go up in ranks to support the cause, but these are mostly full of meek, diplomat wannabe people who seem not to be aware of the sacrifices that must be done to upside a dictatorship. I am fully convinced I personally am willing to give blood and sweat if it comes to that, and yet it seems people are not willing, I don't understand how people can seem so desperate for a change yet do so little for one. I have expressed that I don't really care what government stands so I remain willful on what the people want, although I don't agree with either side. It's disappointing seeing my people be so oppressed.

Politics-wise it's a stalemate so far and we do not know what cards are on hold by the opposition or the government, the opposition has laid out some of their weapons in the form of the public website displaying the 'real' elections results, and has asked for help and notoriety from international watchers, and the opposition also says that the people have already done their part by voting, that we must now be patient, and of course I think this is methodical to make the people peacefully go back home to not stir any problem.

The government simply states that they won fair and square, they did have the gall to show some elections paperwork that is pretty forged, but it legitimizes their position, but mostly whatever they do leads to censorship and oppression.

Not a good look for anything here, a lot of canceled passports, a lot of airline workers being fired, a lot of general workers being fired for political views, a lot of arrests, torture, and death. I'm going to take some days off the news and go take a trip that I'm sure could prove difficult with a friend who also needs to space out because one of her neighbors got arrested for tweeting, as they are doing in the so-called Operation Tun Tun or operation knock-knock. All around ass. Will update in case something huge happens but if not this will be the last post regarding this.
Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
I don't understand how people can seem so desperate for a change yet do so little for one

it is sad that its like this pretty much everywhere in 2024.

we can only blame western superpower influence for this, especially the americans, because they are the ones who created this big talk no walk protesting culture
the fame monster
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Originally Posted by kani View Post
it is sad that its like this pretty much everywhere in 2024.

we can only blame western superpower influence for this, especially the americans, because they are the ones who created this big talk no walk protesting culture

I don't think either of these things are true at all.

For one, there are major contingents organizing and performing DA all around north africa, the middle east, south asia, and central and south america. See EZLN, YPG/YPJ, Kurds, and the "Spring Revolution" for just a few more extreme examples.

Generally, people are afraid of dying. When a government has the support of a major militia or military and is willing to kill its own citizens for resisting its authority, people are often pretty hesitant to act unless the situation is *dire*. But when it gets that dire, more often than not the military is dissolving or deposing the current authority anyways.

Of course I have a TON of criticism and hate for the US. But we definitely aren't big exporters of protest culture... I'm not even sure how that would work. Regardless, our history is one of revolution, slavery, war, riots, etc. While there's no shortage of marches and sign-holding events which don't amount to much, there's also no shortage of major riots, gun violence, and police brutality.

I should probably mention Buddhists and Hindus as well. The biggest thing a lot of people get out of Gandhi's legacy and out of the history of Buddhism is that if one "takes the high road" and peacefully pushes through the pain, they will end up prosperous through some system of karma or whatever. This is of course highly inaccurate to the history of both of these things, but it's an example of a type of protest culture being propogated. Nobody is looking at US media and getting memorable impressions of people standing around with signs or doing small marches from time to time. That type of thing has also existed since before the US was established...

Gonna aaaalso mention that it's probably a hypocritical thing to say if you're not organizing action and building networks of resistance yourself. If everyone sits around expressing annoyance at how little everyone is actually doing... well you know.
Last edited by Toffee; Aug 10, 2024 at 02:19 AM.
<Hush> the beat feature sounds like the main event at a circle jerk festival
Originally Posted by millie View Post
no parece que la decision del tribunal supremo haya ido bien :S

no fue bien, fuck maduro
i came with a .38 and im leaving with a body