Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Thank you all. I'm starting up the next chapter. When it's all done I'll once again I'll post it here.
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Chapter 6 Part 1

The next day Jab went to his fighting group. "OK today we will start with Jab and Killboss," said the offical for group A. Jab adn Killboss stepped on to the feild. "Ready... FIGHT!" Jab threw a left hook at Killboss, but Killboss kicked at Jab. Killboss, who is a fox by the way, tried to smash his tail on Jab, but missed. Jab kicked at Killboss and it hit. "Come on Killboss." Said one of the on lookers. It was Blakie, one of his clan mates. Killboss grabbed Jab and threw him into the air. As Jab began to fall down, Killboss lifted his leg ready to kick. Jab grabbed his leg as fast as he could. Killboss then began to lose his balance and slipped. Jab took his chance and punched as hard as he could Killboss's head. Killboss fell to the ground and the offical stepped in. "Jab is the winner." Jab headed back to Lazer's place, but as he walked by Blakie and Killboss, he could hear them talking about him somewhat. "You did good Killboss. It's too bad you had to fight Jab though," said Blakie777 to his clan mate. "Well at lest I tried. I'm just glad it wasn't Masterj05h who I fought." "Yeah he's been acting weird these days. Have you seen him talk to those wolves before?" Jab had to leave before he could get any more infomation cause he was getting very hunngry.

Chapter 6 Part 2

"Alright let's start today with Gamer and Xalpha," Said the offical. They both stepped on to the feild. "Ready... FIGHT!" Gamer jumpped back and began to change his fire arm. Xalpha run up to him and grabbed one of his legs. "Get... OFF!" Gamer smashed his fist into Xalpha's face. Xalpha froze up for like three seconds. Gamer jumpped into the air and, using his fire arm, began to make a fire ball. Xalpha awoke just in time to hit the fire ball back at Gamer. The ball went from one side of the feild and back as they kept hitting it to the other one. Soon after Gamer hit it again, he jumpped into the air and fired off another one. It went trailing the other one. When Xalpha hit it once more it smashed into the other one and they both burst into flames, burnning Xalpha and blowing him back from the force of the impact. Gamer then ran up to Xalpha, jumpped on him, and smashed him into the ground. But before Xalpha hit the ground the timer rang. "This fight is over on the count of time's up. Gamer has more points then Xalpha so he is the winner. And next time Gamer try not to use your fire arm." "Yeah yeah..." Said Gamer as he saw Buya running over to him. "Gamer what ever you do don't let Masterj05h talk to Lazer, OK?" "OK but what for?" "i don't know yet but it's every important." Said Buya as he ran off to his next fight.

Chapter 6 Part 3

["Gamer what ever you do don't let Masterj05h talk to Lazer, OK?" "OK but what for?" "i don't know yet but it's every important." Said Buya as he ran off to his next fight.] Buya glided over to the feild. When he landed the offical began the fight. Buya took a look at his new foe. An anteater about three fourths his own height. "Hmm this shouldn't be too hard," thought Buya. Then Buya busted out with a few kicks to the anteater's head and it dropped to the ground like it was nothing at all. "OK... ummm Buya is the winner. Mezz's team is out!" Buya flew off the stage and walked through the forest to his clan's base. He took a look around the place and he didn't find Masterj05h there, but Buya knew he would be fighting right about now. Buya looked around once again and he didn't find anyone at all. The place was almost like a ghost town. Buya felt a bad feeling in his gut. A sharp pain in fact. The room began to spin and buya fell to the ground. A cold chill filled the air as someone started to laugh. A wolf picked up Buya and walked out with him. As the wolf walked out a fire started. The base began to burn to the gournd and screams could be heared. The wolf laughed one more time and walked into the setting sun.

Chapter 6 Part 4

Lazer yawned as he dragged himself on to the feild as the other fighter stepped up. He was fighting Greatone. "Greatone... What's up?" "Well," Greatone said with a sigh, "I left Scream. I hope you can help out the new leader till things are shifted over to him." "Enough with the chit-chat," yelled the offical. "Ready... FIGHT!" Lazer and Greatone punched at eachother. Greatone snikered. "You know I have the upperhand." Greatone kicked Lazer in the chest and puched him back. Lazer stepped back then slashed his tail at Greatone. When it hit. Lazer jumpped on top of him and rained down with the pun ches and kicks. Greatone landed on the ground and Lazer walked out of the ring, before the offical even called the match. He headed over to his mail box and opened a letter from the new leader asking him to come over to the clan base. He went over to the base only to find a note. It read:

Andrew there are two things you must know. One is Scream is dead. Two is in 6 days time you will come back here. Sign yes at the bottom of this message and we will release your friend. If you don't you will lose the Grand Fight. He will be at his match tomorrow if you sign and we will not kill him if you show up. Which we will do so.

Lazer signed yes at the bottom of the paper and sighed. He slowly walked home. When he got there he opened the door and walked in, No one was around so he went to bed. END OF CHAPTER!!!
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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It's called setting up for something... >.> people always wanted action in everything...
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 7 Part 1

"Welcome to the finals! Today will be round one and it's now every man for themselves. And now for your viewing pleasure we'll have Jab and Tripstone kick this off for us!" The crowd went wild. Jab steeped on to the feild and waved. Tripstone came out of the gate on the other side and both went to their mark in the feild. An offical stepped out and started the fight. Both fighters punched, kicked, grabbed, and just plainly moved at blineding speed. Jab got inside one of Tripstone's kicks and uppercutted him. Then he grabbed his leg and tryed to slam Tripstone on to the ground. Tripstone landed on one of his arms and saved himself. He tryed to break Jab's grip but Jab then punched out Tripstone's knee. Tripstone lost control over his body and slowly slipped to the ground. Everythign in fact began to slow down and Jab took a look around. Trippstone was hitting the ground, the crowd was just going nuts it seemed like, and Jab knew something bad was going to happen soon. I was just too good to keep going on like this. "Jab wins! Our next fight will be between Inu and... A Mafia member. Sorry they didn't give me their name."

Chapter 7 part 2

"And the Mafia member wins! And now it's time for our thrid match today. Will Gamer and... Well darn the Tag member please come out. They also didn't leave a name." Gamer made his way to the feild. The Tag member came out a second later and snickered at Gamer. "You really think you can beat me? You think you're so tough don't you? Ha lets see you win when I go full power." The Tag member started to grow.Gamer could feel the energy coming off him. The offical started the match and the Tag member grabbed Gamer in a death grip.Gamer tryed to get out of it but he was losing air fast. The Tag member laughed. Gamer use the last of his energy to build up in his fire hand and he throw a monkey punch. The Tag member went flying but stayed on his feet. Gamer then jumpped at him and unleashed kicks to the Tag members head. After about 5 hit though the guy fell to the ground. "And it's over! Gamer moves on." "But how did you win? I'm more powerful then you," said the Tag member. "Well for one you're way too slow. That and you got cocky," said Gamer as he walked off. "Next can we have Masterj05h and Sarutobi to step up?"

Chapter 7 Part 3

"And SecondSoul is the winner. Now to get this party moving on can we have Buya and... Oh they did it again. Oh well, will the Alphs member come out." Buya flew over to his marker and the Alpha member walked over to his. Buya looked to his left and saw the offical for the match running over to them. "Fight!" That's all Buya could remember before he saw the bear digging his claws in him. The bear slowly pushed him claws into Buya's sides more. Buya could feel the blood drip from his sides and the bear grinned. The offical was about to make his move to stop the match. "No...," said Buya "I've go him..." Off in the crowd Blaike, Neon, and some more SFST members were watching. "Hey Neon why isn't kjhg here? He did say he'd be come here for the finals." asked Relink, a new member to the clan. "Well," answered Neon "he's back rebuilding the base with Limeguy." "Oh." Buya had, within this time, managed to break free the ends of his wings from the bear's grip. Buya pushed a gust of wind away from them, strong enough to push them over. And then they began to tip over. The bear couldn't do anything they were on the ground. "Well that does it. Buya gets to move on. Now next up is 73Chev and the Hunters member."

Chapter 7 Part 4

"Alrighty then the Hunters member gets to move on. Now to end this day off for us will be a fight between LatinKing and Lazer!" Both of them came out and look at each other. "Latin..." "Andrew... You still in Scream?" "It's dead. It died after Greatone left and was changed by someone else." The offical walked over and Lazer saw he was a bit tired. Anyone would having to stand in the heat for this long. "FIGHT!" Latin kick flipped at Lazer, but Lazer bent backwards. Latin landed on his hands and Lazer kicked at him. Latin began to fall but before he landed on the ground he put out his arms and began to spin in place. Lazer jummped up, useing his tail, but got a chest full of leg. Latin got back up on his feet and so did Lazer. Both began to run at each other. Dust began to fill the air. No one could see through the dust to see what was happening. But everyone could hear kicks, punches, a grown or two, and coughs. Once the timer rang, which was also when the dust settled, they saw Lazer breathing deeply and Latin on the ground. "Well that does it for today. Tomorrow we'll have round two." End Chapter!
Last edited by Masterj05h; Apr 6, 2009 at 10:09 PM.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Great chapter man but what happened with me and saru? i totally kicked his ass amirite?
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?
Chapter 8 Part 1

The sun was very bright today. So hot in fact that when Jab stepped out on to the feild he began to sweat. He could still feel the bad taste in the air. It was thick, dry, and very well it's hard to say but papery. The Mafia member stepped on to the feild as well. The crowd rawred as the offical started the fight. Jab blocked an attack from him and threw out a punch. His punch was stopped and Jab felt a small amount of pain from the grab. The Mafia member twisted Jab's arm, but Jab kicked the Mafia member away. The Mafia member came running at Jab and landed a blow on Jab's neck. Jab began to spit up blood and also started to breath deeply. The Mafia memberkicked Jab's chest and more blood came out. Jab stopped himself from landing on the ground and gave a return kick to the Mafia member. Both of them looked very tired but both of them stood back up. The Mafia member ran at Jab, this time running at Jab's back side. Jab put out his arm and it smashed into the Mafia member. Jab then kicked him in the chin and the Mafia member fell to the floor. "Well that does it folks. Jab gets to move on to the semi-finals." Jab walked to the side line and Gamer patted him on the back. "Almost thoguht you wouldn't win," said Gamer while Jab took a seat and began to cough up blood again. "Well you know I never give up. That and I live by my old clan's motto. 'Eather you die a hero or live long enough to be in the sequel'."

Chapter 8 Part 2

"Alright now it's time for fight two. A fight between Gamer and Masterj05h." Gamer said his good-byes to Jab and Walked out on to the feild. He tried to charging his fire arm, but it's goten weaker and weaker because of his lost fur and it was getting harder and harder to charge it up. Now it won't even charge up any more. Masterj05h slowly walked on to the feild. The offical started the fight and both fighters started at each other. Gamer went with a rolling kick. By doing this he'd leap into the air and rolled like a barrle and came out of the roll with kick. Masterj05h grabbed hit foot and smahed his other claws on Gamer's leg. "You're no match for me Gamer," laughed Masterj05h. Gamer forgot the pain in his leg long enough to kick at Masterj05h with his free leg. Masterj05h let go and flew to the ground, but saved himself by landing on his hands. Gamer got back up, ran over to Masterj05h, and kicked him square in the head. You could hear someone yell punt and others laughing. Gamer did another rollin' kick and Masterj05h fell to the ground with a smile on his face. "Gamer moves on." Gamer headed off the feild and at the side lines Masterj05h went up to him. "That's the fight I wanted out of you. Too bad all your talent isn't going to help you out," said Masterj05h right before walking off laughing. Gamer just stood there wondering.

Chapter 8 Part 3

Buya made his wat to the feild before the fighters were even called for. "Well... Oh Buya is already out so now all we need is SecondSoul." Buya looked to the crowd to see if he could spot kjhg53. Buy all he saw was other SFST members and other people he knew. But he knew where kjhg53 was though. Last he saw him was before he left the base. He had been working on it. But rebuilding it would take time and money, money the clan didn't have. "Again will SecondSoul go to the feild." Everyone started to look around. But after about a minute he came out.The fight started and SecondSoul grabbed Buya's wings and kicked him in the chest. Buya, after about 20 seconds of pain, smashed heads with SecondSoul. SecondSoul let go and Buya took to the sky. Buya then began to swoop down and cut SecondSoul with his beak. Buya repeated this a few more times and soon the timer went off. "Well by the amount of points Buya wins and moves on." Buya flew over to were jab and Gamer was. Gamer first said how cheap of a win that was but then told them of what Masterj05h said. They also had puzzled looks and couldn't say what he meant.

Chapter 8 Part 4

Lazer and the Hunters member walked on to the feild. "And now it's time for the last match of the day." The offical made his way out and the fight started. Lazer smashed his tail on the Hunters member. Lazer was very mad cause he knew Hunters had took Buya. Lazer began to hit the Hunters member like rapid fire. The Hunters member could only stand there and block what he could, which was almost none of the hits. At the side lines Jab was watching Lazer's bag. Jab was holding on to it and he could fire haet coming out of it. It was getting hotter by the second. Lazer's skin was slowly turning redish. Jab dropped the bag cause it was starting to burn his hands. Then Jab slowly opened the bag. Lazer flew into the air and like Gamer did a rolling style kick. When Jab opened the bag he saw the orb inside was the color of lava. The kick hit and the Hunters members fell to the ground. Both the orb and Lazer cooled down and returned to their normal colors. "That's it for today folks." Lazer walked over to Jab and said his thanks. "Andrew... I have something to tell you," said Jab. Jab told Lazer what happened during the fight. END OF CHAPTER!!!
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