I normally remember dreams when I have them. The cool thing is, I can control my dream, the first step is just to know you're in a dream. Due to my hormones going out of wack I've been having tons of dreams of making out with various girls from my class. Awesome.
Bio you have Lucid dreams as do I. Do you ever get the dream where you are jumping all around your city? The feeling is just intense before you land.

Also all that say "I don't have dreams" have dreams and they were probably pretty fucked. Everyone has a few dreams in there sleep going the the cycles of R.E.M and waking up and completely forgetting that you did wake up and falling a sleep continuing the cycle dreaming once a again. Though a lot of people skip steps going through depression and stuff and some may never actually reach full R.E.M sleep. So, some of you may actually not dream.
Last edited by T0ribush; Mar 4, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
I forget my dreams almost every time after I wake up. Then I try to remember what the dream was the whole day. Sometimes I just remember parts of it, but rearly remember the whole dream.
I don't always remember my dream, but there have been a few times Ive seen the same thing more than once in my dreams.

Ive had a few lucid dreams. kinda weird when that happens :/

what terrifies me about sleep, is that in dreams anything can happen. I never find myself dreaming what I want to dream about (no, nothing sexual) and don't want to have some nightmare where it takes forever to wake up.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
I always forget the dreams and they are "chasing" me the entire day making me think of what it was
Oh hai der ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I only remenber dream from 5 years ago :s and i always remenber sex dreams lol(had like 5000 of those =O)
Oh hai der ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)