
even though it was pretty basic i did unironically enjoy this replay

opener is whatever i don't care about those. how u used it was fine and i was particularly a fan of how your arm was in front of your leg in the first spin (even if it did just get stuck) it make the tori bend in a weird way and get into a super unique position while still spinning and it looked really cool to me

i didn't like the foot tapping the ground at roughly 360, even if it was to maintain direction it looked super off because it was so short

i wouldn't have personally extended the knee at 340 but it worked anyway so i cant really complain

first couple kicks are ok, i don't really like no dm kicks personally but i can see the appeal. the decap kick was really sweet though. its quite rare for someone to kick the part they were grabbing (usually because of range issues) so im always a fan when i see it and the way the foot was at the other side of his head before it dmd was cool too lol

and it went flying too that's cool

u were in a difficult position after but regardless i feel u could've done more after the decap than the pec scrape dm. it just looked like a struggle to figure out what to do tbh (i would've went for roughly the same kick, but instead i would have tried to hook under the elbow-wrist area with my other leg to bring him closer and get better ghosting)

kick after was okay but your upper body really didn't move during it (especially the arms) and it looked wonky to me but if this is what ur into then keep doing it

change of direction was pretty nice i just wish ur hand didn't hit the pec during the spin but that's a nitpick

last kick was really cool and im a big fan of the pose for whatever reason

u have some fun movement and dms i just feel u need to pay attention to the other parts of ur tori more and try to plan ahead at least a little bit (so u don't leave urself in uncomfortable positions like the last few hits)