I really want to join ur clan.
I dont spam and I am 13.
I am good and I can help U achieve ur goals.
I look forward in being in your clan
Originally Posted by beastamoda View Post
I really want to join ur clan.
I dont spam and I am 13.
I am good and I can help U achieve ur goals.
I look forward in being in your clan

Out of my concern for you, I'll tell you that [addicted] is a shit clan and you should find another one. This one is inactive, doesn't play in wars and one of the players suffered the most miserable defeat in the 2014's clan league.

Perhaps you should look for new uprising clans that are actually active and like fun (here in [Addicted] we hate fun).

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Are there no cool people left who are actually able to write a decend apllication?
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
This one is inactive, doesn't play in wars and one of the players suffered the most miserable defeat in the 2014's clan league.

Still haunts me to this day. Don't be surprised if this will be the reason I name on my suicide note.
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Out of my concern for you, I'll tell you that [addicted] is a shit clan and you should find another one. This one is inactive, doesn't play in wars and one of the players suffered the most miserable defeat in the 2014's clan league.

Perhaps you should look for new uprising clans that are actually active and like fun (here in [Addicted] we hate fun).

Sorry for invading, why you say that Jtank :P I knew Addicted since long ago and this clan is badass. Getting to a clan league final is agreat achievement. I recommend you get more members because you have skilled players

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We accept your application, spcr. Please add our clantagg ingame. Hooaa!

Well thanks for the post. Indeed we had great times. But recruiting? If there are any people out there fitting in this old school clan, we might never find them due to apathy
Apathyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Also. Maybe we should put a random recruitment thread in the unofficial clan place. No one really checks these places since that appeared.
I think in that case we would get a ton of applicants who are basically worth nothing and I don't know if that's worth the effort of reading through all of that. But if you guys want to I can do that, no problem. Just tell me if you want that to happen or not.
If we'd do that we should just specify a join date n post count you have to surpass or something along those lines. And just ignore it if someone doesn't full fill the requirements, heh.
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
If we'd do that we should just specify a join date n post count you have to surpass or something along those lines. And just ignore it if someone doesn't full fill the requirements, heh.

rules say you can't do that l0l, at least the post count part

I also doubt anybody worthwhile would apply.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos