Originally Posted by Tripple View Post
I just accidentally farted while i was laughing after reading the posts.

That's not really funny at all?

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Once when i was like 3 or 4(in Mexico) i ran into a sign in front of a Dance hall, and while I was falling people in a truck were passing by and laughed. My mom still reminds me of that.
Proud Member of OLDA
once my friend was running down a staircase and i thought it was his dick friend so i hid behind a wall and he ended up jumpin down the staircase so i kicked as hard as i could and ended up hitting him in his face
and my friend was laughing with me
I had a field trip to go to (for school) at a local college, and i decided not to go. So i skipped school that day, i was bored, so i decided to run to the college (about three miles from my house). I finally got there and the buses were leaving... and some kid (on the bus) yells "we left a kid behind" and the bus comes to a solid break... and all of a sudden i saw the Principal starts chasing me and i run from him.. a very long time.. i finally let him catch me and he puts me on the bus, and everyone starts cheering, and about 3 minutes sitting.. i tell the principal.... giggling "you know i'm not suppose to be on this trip, i'm absent from school today"... the bus stops and i get kicked off the bus (about 1/2 a mile from my house) and i walk home... best time EVAR...
Last edited by xalpha25; May 12, 2010 at 01:38 AM.
I was wave boarding

while i was wave boarding i was moving it fast

and while its on a really fast rate i fell from behind but the wave board still goes on

it reached about 2 feets or less on it self without anyone riding it

we laugh and laugh at that one
I'm on my school soccer reserve team there are only 2 reservers including me, I'm really weak at soccer and one day in our inter-school soccer championship one of the boys got injured and i was substituted. ATM the score was 2-2 and when the defender kicked the ball it hit my penis and *GOAL*!!! We won the match..I was really embarrassed then but now i find it kin of funny.
when I was in 2nd grade, dad plucked me in the eye just because I couldn't answer a homework question ever since then I disliked dad
Hello Whats up?
i was at the gym with my brother and dad, and my dad goes to one of the weight machines, and rips a loud and smelly fart. the guy next to says something him is like ah god man what did you eat, it looks like the guy is going to die from the stench, me and my brother are cracking up, and then my dad turns to the guy and says "what, yes the weights are heavy." then i fall on the floor laffing... later i tol my dad what the guy said, and he says, "well fuck him."

funnier stuff has happened i just cant thinkof anything atm