Originally Posted by destiny View Post
I'll definitely get Just Cause 2 asap
for Assassins Creed
played the first one
and the second one sucks because of that "constant internet connection" crap Ubisoft is pulling off

i will
Hard Rain? You mean Heavy Rain? Yes, it's PS3 exclusive. And it's not TPS.
Last edited by wuzzywazz; Mar 10, 2010 at 04:33 PM.
Originally Posted by destiny View Post
and another fail :|
why do you suck so much
those are all first person shooters
while the thread title clearly indicates i am looking for third person shooters

User infracted for insulting another member.

Actually Modern Warfare 2 has a 3rd person mode..
/set gr 0 0 -30
thesorrow1: the game is not third person but
i play it
every day

and i dont know about 3rd person in MW2
i also dont care about the game
i dont like it
didnt live up to the hype