I might be inactive until beginning/mid of next week due to a good amount of meetings and a heavy workload.
I know that I'm not as much active as I should be, hopefully the big workload will be gone within the next weeks.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
I've bean very inactive lately but i hope i can fix that in the next few weeks.
Pm me for deals
Sorry guys, I got my mid-year exams now. Well, from 4th to 13th to be exact but I got all these study days and stuff.
I will LESS active for these two weeks (not that I will totally stop playing)
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
º°À¾Ç Â࿸´°ÀË º°º¸µ ¾ ¸¿° ¾Ä°½° ´¾»¶½Ë ±ËÂÌ ½°¿¸Á°½Ë
° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Only partly active atm due to a HDD crash. Trying to recover the data lost as much as possible but it may take some days until I'm fully back on action.
Atm only 32Bit win is working and thats more than buggy but better than nothing.
Colossus: If something important is running throw me a message at FB (running nearly all the time at my mobile)

Colossus Moderated Message:
Roger that.
Last edited by Immotay; Jun 6, 2013 at 03:30 AM.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
I'll need stay inactive becuz my notebook is broken and my internet isn't that good anymore, i don't know exactly when i'll back, but i'll try don't keep off so much time.
Gonna be inactive towards end of july / start of august.

Moving house in July.
Gonna be in hospital for a week and a half in august - medical reasons.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

hey guys. I have a lot of problem irl and I am so inactive atm. Idk how long I will be inactive =(
If you want - you can remove me from clan till I am back
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

No problem uFantom. No need to remove you, I just push you into inactive and all is fine. Just poke me whenever you are fully back.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
So I was supposed to stop being inactive after the 4th but as you have maybe noticed that didn't quite happen. Things happened and now I might be a bit inactive until I get some stuff sorted with my house but I will still post here most likely.