Thought they are called weepers, thanks for clearing this up.

Btw, what costume do you guys use for Chris/sheva, i take the S.T.A.R.S one for Chris, and the Normal one for Sheva, since Amazone and the Disco one look like shit.

Prolly before he gets the the injection after Sheva/chris shot him with the Rocket launcher and injects it, but after that he gets hurtable, what makes fun

Know what cutscene looks extreme funny if you fail, the one where chris needs to make turn down the electricity in the aeroplane in the end, and sheva dont shoots, he gets his neck turned around alot, looks funny imo ;)

Thanks for the tip with the Tactic on the Lickers.
I've got the versus mode on 360, I'm disappointed the "slayer" mode because you can shoot the other players and kill them, I was expecting it to be like mercenaries but with competition, but with the damage most people just chase and shoot eachother in it online :/

Survivor mode is ok, but in team mode people can easily win by camping when they're leading.

also chac, wtf you dissing the longbow for man, one hit kills make it excellent in mercs and its pretty fun to use in story as well.
Last edited by Zaarock; Apr 11, 2009 at 07:08 PM.

Bow is one hit, weve recognized that, but its shit on longer ranges, though it reaches them, its seriously fucking hard to hit the peeps, but in buildings, its pretty good.

Still, hard to hit with it on long ranges, im more the sniper fag.

I usually also take only 5 things into Battle:

Magnum (Fully pimped, makes huge damage)
H&K Sniper (Also Fully pimped, semi automatic ftw)
Both "Secure Wests" (The one against hits, and the other one against bullets)
Medi Spray (Sometimes i take 2)

I dont need any smgs or rocket launchers, on some levels i take the Shotgun (More in the 5th and 6th chapter), but else, i only take that set, works good imo.
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post

Bow is one hit, weve recognized that, but its shit on longer ranges, though it reaches them, its seriously fucking hard to hit the peeps, but in buildings, its pretty good.

Still, hard to hit with it on long ranges, im more the sniper fag.

I usually also take only 5 things into Battle:

Magnum (Fully pimped, makes huge damage)
H&K Sniper (Also Fully pimped, semi automatic ftw)
Both "Secure Wests" (The one against hits, and the other one against bullets)
Medi Spray (Sometimes i take 2)

I dont need any smgs or rocket launchers, on some levels i take the Shotgun (More in the 5th and 6th chapter), but else, i only take that set, works good imo.

l2aim with the longbow then, you can hit consistently with it in long range with little practice. Having the other player use tribal sheva on mercenaries usually ends up in good scores if the player can aim well because its very useful for maintaining combos and shooting a guy right when its running out, its also more powerful than H&K sniper against boss enemies, making it very useful. I use sniper a lot as well though, ive gotten some of my best scores on mercs using battle suit jill with only the H&K sniper.

Your set for story doesnt make much sense, magnum ammo pretty much never shows up, are you really just soloing with the sniper? I'd carry a hydra instead of a magnum and I'd also have a pistol but you dont really need to care about weapon selection anyway unless youre playing professional without unlimited ammo. I dont care much for story mode anyway.
Last edited by Zaarock; Apr 12, 2009 at 06:31 PM.

No im playing usually with coop mode, also, my pal somehow got unlimited ammo for the magnum, thats why i use it. Though i have no unlimited ammo for shotgun and sniper :|

I know the bow makes more damage, but i prefer the Sniper. :P
Bow = Lame until you can aim with it.

Tell me it isn't good when it kills many enemies in one shot, and that you're not good with it when you get the Lead Aspirin achievement from a distance with that baby?

In any case, versus online is good. I prefer Slayers, or Team Slayers, as you can win by avoiding your opponents (online, they LOVE going for you... Like idiots) but I couldn't stand Survivors, because everyone plays as Jill. With an overpowered SMG.

One thing I've noticed as well; People don't seem to like going up against Wesker. Why is that?
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
lol, in slayers when someone starts killing me I start sniping him with battle suit jills sniper, sadly that usually makes them get more pissed off though and prevents good comboing ://