Originally Posted by snake View Post
dayz was a disaster to traditional arma, casual crap for idiots incapable of understanding any complex mechanics or tactics which require teamwork between more people than four. ACE is a good example of a good mod, but it's too complex for retards.

and again, you think that with this acquisition there will be something to profit from. correct, but indirectly. as minecraft is huge thing among scrubs it will be a free game used to boost sales of windows/xbox.

right now ps4 sells better, but if you say shit like 'when you buy xBone, you have a minecraft on it for free. this shit is popular as hell and "safe for children" which is great marketing tool.

The part of how "dayz ruined arma" gets me upset because of two reasons, 1. It boosted sales why do you care, some nice people went and made a mod that boosted sales of this arma, I'm sure the devs were pretty happy when that happend.
2. well because its a mod >:L you don't have to install it, DayZ had a target audience, and the target audience downloaded and installed it. Same with mods, and ENTIRE GAMES, thats why games are an amazing medium, because they're all for different people, a game like minecraft, it was targeted at children(I'm going to go ahead and guess) but everyone can play it, nothing is stopping my mother from downloading it and playing it on her computer, getting a bit off topic, I'll try stop that. Alright and the part that I've put in bold now:
I consider most of the casual community the younger part of it, so I see nothing bad about mods making the game more "casual" part of the gaming community. Unless you just said that for the point of arguing because you cant see anything else wrong with my point.

Oh and the part about how its going to become a free game on win8/9/xbone I highly doubt it will, Maybe they'll stop updating the ps4 version but thats as far as they (most likely) are going to go, the win8 failed bad because it was made for tablets and stuff like that, I'm sure win9 will be more based around pcs.
Chances are, judging from the type of shit ms has pulled in the past, minecraft will become the sort of game that will simply come preloaded with your xbone. I'm not saying it's going to happen next week, but eventually when everyone cools down about ms buying mojang, they will most probably put mc as a default game on xbox because it's a clever marketing scheme. If you think about it, what parent will buy her twelve year old an xbone if she knows he's going to play COD all day long. If she's told that a game developed towards children comes with it, chances are she'll buy it, since it's child-friendly.

Also, there's no way the playstation version of the game will ever be updated again, since that's not how ms works. They pull stuff like this all the time friend. It may not happen right away, but some things will happen right away, others soon, others in the future.
Guarantee there's no way PS is going to get any free updates for mc ever now. I doubt Sony would want to pay the outrageous fee that ms will give them for updating an out-played game.

what snake said
Originally Posted by snake View Post
dayz was a disaster to traditional arma, casual crap for idiots incapable of understanding any complex mechanics or tactics which require teamwork between more people than four. ACE is a good example of a good mod, but it's too complex for retards.

and again, you think that with this acquisition there will be something to profit from. correct, but indirectly. as minecraft is huge thing among scrubs it will be a free game used to boost sales of windows/xbox.

right now ps4 sells better, but if you say shit like 'when you buy xBone, you have a minecraft on it for free. this shit is popular as hell and "safe for children" which is great marketing tool.

i don't even know how this is not obvious to you guys.

marketing, ffs, look it up on google.

Tbh you are retarded if you think a buy a 6 year old game for 2.5b is going to be profitable because you can give it away free with the xbone. There's no way that's possible.

Assume xbone owners generate $5000 of profit for microsoft (which by the way, means they need to be buying live or games, so none of this "xbone just for MC" shit) over console lifetime, that means minecraft needs to generate at least half a million xbone sales (on it's own) to break even.

Now remember, there have been 3m xbone sales so far, do you really think giving out free minecraft (especially considering there are over 14m minecraft sales already) is going to generate a 16% increase in sales?

Now on to your hate of dayz "hurr durr not enough teamwork" it's not that kind of game, do you expect all mods to be the same as their original game? I bet you hate on dota because you can't even build mine a gold mine or macro an army...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Tbh you are retarded if you think a buy a 6 year old game for 2.5b is going to be profitable because you can give it away free with the xbone. There's no way that's possible.

Assume xbone owners generate $5000 of profit for microsoft (which by the way, means they need to be buying live or games, so none of this "xbone just for MC" shit) over console lifetime, that means minecraft needs to generate at least half a million xbone sales (on it's own) to break even.

Now remember, there have been 3m xbone sales so far, do you really think giving out free minecraft (especially considering there are over 14m minecraft sales already) is going to generate a 16% increase in sales?

let's say MS goal is to boost Xbone sales.

and their end goal is to get let's say 4 mil more consoles sold.

price tag is 400 usd
add subs = +60 usd
games = +60*15% usd each we don't know exact %, but let's assume 15 % = 9 usd

so let's say our average joe buys one game per month on average or atleast 6 per year so it's 6-12

12* 9 = 108 usd

2 500 000 000 / ( 400 + 60 + 10 = 4 401 408 which means in average scenario to break off they need to sell a little more than 4 mil copies, and they will start to turn profit just by console sales.

now, we don't know the average life cycle of next gen consoles, but let's assume it's going to be 5 years, so the more consoles they sell, the more money they will get from subs and games.

(108+60)*5 = 840 + initial 400 = 1240 usd average profit froma lifecycle of ONE sold console.
multiply this number on planned amount of consoles they plan to sell, and you will get quite interesting numbers, and this is the most important part, NOT THE CONSOLE SALES ITSELF

so if MS plan to outsell ps4 on 10 mil mark, they will get 12 400 000 000 = 12 bil usd from next generation consoles on very average.

AND don't forget, than now ALL money that comes from minecraft goes to microsoft, so when you buy MC for PS4/PC you give MS +20 usd and also +7 usd for PE (pocket edition)

i have no stats on how much it does sell, but i'm pretty sure, that minecraft as a marketing tool to boost sales of xbone sounds very logical.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Now on to your hate of dayz "hurr durr not enough teamwork" it's not that kind of game, do you expect all mods to be the same as their original game? I bet you hate on dota because you can't even build mine a gold mine or macro an army...

i didn't like wc3 in the first place as it was too tiny, SupCom all the way, or Planet annihilation now, doesn't really matter
Last edited by snake; Sep 19, 2014 at 02:54 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
No, they need to make at least 2.5b PROFIT JUST from sales that wouldn't have happened without minecraft in order to break even. And you don't spend 2.5b in the hopes that you will break even!

Originally Posted by snake View Post
i didn't like wc3 in the first place as it was too tiny, SupCom all the way, or Planet annihilation now, doesn't really matter

Are you intentionally missing the point? -_-;

Every time Snake, every fucking time.

Are you playing PA though? I played a few and it's not bad but the macro feels so clunky compared to SupCom. The UI and hotkeys are pretty shit, but the dynamics of not having T3 or exp's is cool. I think if they polished the hotkeys a lot (and yes I tried hotbuild but tbh it's pretty shitty, but I guess I'm used to top tier competitive games, so I have high standards for controls) and worked on making the controls better it could be good.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
They don't have the money to buy Apple or Google though.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
No, they need to make at least 2.5b PROFIT JUST from sales that wouldn't have happened without minecraft in order to break even. And you don't spend 2.5b in the hopes that you will break even!

the current ratio is 9 x 5, so 4 mil consoles to break sounds fine. again, most profit comes not from console sales directly, but services and games. so the more people have your console - the better.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Are you intentionally missing the point? -_-;

Every time Snake, every fucking time.

ah, come on, it doesn't happen THAT often ;)

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Are you playing PA though? I played a few and it's not bad but the macro feels so clunky compared to SupCom. The UI and hotkeys are pretty shit, but the dynamics of not having T3 or exp's is cool. I think if they polished the hotkeys a lot (and yes I tried hotbuild but tbh it's pretty shitty, but I guess I'm used to top tier competitive games, so I have high standards for controls) and worked on making the controls better it could be good.

didn't really had a hands on experience yet, was watching it's gameplay on yt, and it looks pretty much like SupCom,

and what do you mean by macro is clunky? no ability to select all one type of units?

Originally Posted by Dominik0366 View Post
They can... they have the guts to buy ANYBODY just to gain more money. Even Apple. Or Google.

incorrect, goocle can buy both MS and apple if they will want to
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15