You can believe that if you'd like. I'm not trying to be condescending, you'll just try it eventually and find that it's much more fun than you're perceiving. In fact it's probably my fault for making it look bad.
Alright guys, give me some questions.

I know this may be mind altering, but not enough to be too bad, I want some questions to answer. Not just things you want ask me, but things you want some though about. I do that. Thinking is what I enjoy. Give me something :P
I'd say so. Beer is drunk over time though, so some can wear off before another is finished.

3 litres should get you a bit loose.
For your next time: Do you believe an advanced enough AI could develop true emotions?
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
It's that time again. That horrible time I end up regretting and destroying my friednship with Fluffy with. Tonight I am on thew white wine.

Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
For your next time: Do you believe an advanced enough AI could develop true emotions?

That depends on the definition of true emotions. I think if we did that it would be just for show or something, because emotions don't give an AI any benefits as far as I can tell. I mean if an angry AI started disobeying or something just because it was mad it would be silly to have programmed that. I feel like emotions though are a purely organic thing. I know it's still electrical impulses and stuff, it's still a product of our consciousness though, I guess. Is an AI replicating a human in sadness, feeling emotion? I guess it is impossible for it to feel anything unless we were to make it go through similar processes that humans do in thought while it was in an emotional state. But.. whatever. I don't know much about science.

Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
What do you usually have for dinner?

10,100,010 + 11,011,190?

What makes you angry?

My Mum's most made meal, (Five M's) is Spaghetti Bolognaise. I actually like it the most out of all her meals mostly. Maybe it's because she has made it the most. I don't know. ptcha cha.

21,111,200, ehhh I think that's right. I haven't done math since a very long time ago.

Power, mostly. I think anyone utilising power in a bad way is the worst thing ever. Power corrupts people anyway, so power itself is a bad thing. People who have been mean to me in the past were never people who were in a weak position. They were popular or something. I sometimes don't hate people who have bullied me because they were in a position of power and status. I, myself have been in that position at one stage, and I wasn't very nice to my friends. I try and avoid power where I can, and if I have it, make sure that I don't abuse such a thing.

Status man. That's an alright thing, but people can really transform with status. It's also a driving force for a capitalist society. I wish we didn't have to strive for it. It would be cool if people were judged on their merits and not money or power or status.

Anyway. Rant over. Leave your questions for next time. For now, I leave a nice song.
Hmmm -Rubs chin thoughtfully-
I agree that power can corrupt a person but I also believe if you're strong willed and able to be uninfluenced (except positively in a way to make you an even better person) by others besides yourself, power could be a good thing to have especially if it benefits the people around you
Like if I got into some sort of position of power, being that I always try to be positive and helpful, It'd be in my best intentions to do the world good. Plus it's always been one of my dreams to be a public speaker and to move people to be better
But yeah I wish I was in a position of power to be able to move and influence people to make the world a better place
Most people are weak minded and easily influenced in a negative way, therefore power would be a bad thing to most, but I guess I'm half an example because I don't know myself completely, but I don't know. My soul gem is not grief seed. -Carefully removes shirt to reveal another shirt with the words feminism- SCREAMS FEMINISM
So puff, you shouldn't be particularly angered by power, because it starts out as a neutral thing. It doesn't even completely mean being above somebody else, more on the lines that you are looked by a bunch of people who become influenced or affected by you.
You should be angered at the outside forces that add up to corrupt it and make it a horrible thing.
Last edited by fluffykat; May 16, 2013 at 04:31 AM.
Hey guys, currently with some friends getting drunk. I'd love to answer some questions if anyone has some, anything by the way. I would love to talk about something that would provide some insight to someone.
I would like you to tell me why I can't think of any questions when asked to.
I can almost only ever think of something to ask people when I'm alone and not thinking about it.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3