I can't get my hair "silky" either. I've got curly hair and use Aussie Moist series of shampoo and the 3 Minute Miracle conditioner.

Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Uhhhh..That's kinda random XD I guess if you use the right shampoo and such..I donno. I hide under a hood and skulley. I can't really say o3o
I heard something about washing your hair with cold water instead of hot water in a similar thread posted in discussions ages ago.
[A L P H A]
Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
So my asian hair is hopeless?

I've been using Pantene for most my life cuz my mom gets these huge bottles of it at a time. My hair is really healthy at least. It's kinda funny; a lot of girls (and guys too sometimes...) compliment my hair for its sheen, but when they touch it they are usually like, wow, your hair is really stiff.

I'm pretty sure all my hair is naturally stiff though, cuz when I did shave my pubic hair, it grew back like needles and hurt if I sat down wrong. not gonna do that again.

Does not washing your hair for a long time actually work? Since mine is apparently accustomed to a wash every single day, if I don't wash, it gets really nasty and oily by the second day. I can't stand it long enough to see how it would be the third day.

Getting oily by the second day is pretty common (I myself have this and have silky hair).

Asian hair can be silky (particularly if it is of the dead-flat variety), however it is quite thick so it never gets that "smokey feeling", but it can certainly be silky, even if it feels like smooth strips of wire.

I'd be careful though, asian hair tends to lose a lot of body if you over condition

Perhaps you could try swapping to a non-lathering shampoo, as natural oils in the hair will cause it to be smoother. When shampoo lathers it strips the oils (could go into various chemistry bs on the functions of soap and how it works.. but im too lazy. Take my word for it).
Last edited by m0o; Feb 8, 2010 at 11:48 AM.
Dunk your head in a bowl full of egg whites and leave it soaking for 10 minutes. Rinse, and enjoy.
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Would combing the hair be a good practice? And do non-lathering shampoos say so on the front?

My hair is the flat kind. If I don't get haircuts for a while, it apso resembles a bowl cut, although not as circular.

I'll go look up non lathering shampoos. Hopefully they will have some at walmart

what about conditioner? Does that make as much of a difference?
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