I've got to say, Dalir, you must have lived in the same apartment I did. I got the same feeling a lot-- in the kitchen too.
My old apartment was... Just that, old. It was built in the 1800's as a group of stores, but was put under the ownership of my old landlord's family. Since then, they rented it out.
As for me, I think I've seen some crazy stuff. Although I can't be completely sure. I remember seeing a strange black figure in the dark shifting itself as if it were a liquidified person. It could have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but for a while, I believed it was real.
Beyond that, I haven't seen anything else, but, like Dalir, I've felt like I've been watched before-- to an extreme point. I don't know, it's probably because I watch so many horror movies, and ghost shows.
Right now, I'd love to believe that there is life after death, though. I mean, when I die, I at least want to watch over, if not protect my loved ones. Honestly, it would be very anticlimactic if dying meant eternal nothingness.
When I was a baby (lol'd), my brother and sister were playing with me. My mom called them and they walked out of the room, and as they walked out, the door closed on them. They couldn't open the door to get to me. They shouted for my mom to come up, and when she finally did come, she opened it with ease. I definetly believe in ghosts.
[16:53] <Mosier> Trippy

i belive in ghost but tht is just cause of a bunch of creepy stuff tht happens around my house daily
JANITOR "Drill-fork, you can drill and fork. Mostly fork."
Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
How did this idea come into fruition?

I've heard that children are apparently more susceptible (sp?) to paranormal activity and such. Although, that's probably just a hollywoodized theory.

Witedevil: Since when does ghosts kill people and what's your theory for this? (inb4supernatural)

guitarookid: I have no idea how old the building I lived in was, though. But the whole area (staircase up the building, cellar - especially kitchen) felt extremely unnerving. It's weird though, I'm the same paranoid guy I was back then, and I rarely feel nervous in this house. I'm thinking there must've been something going on at least.

Nebu: They were probably just trying to open it the direction.

EDIT: renamed thread since this sprawled into a real discussion
Last edited by dalir; Sep 28, 2009 at 04:54 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
i dont believe in ghost but sometimes i got freaked out by it
i saw one in my the window of my room(theres a window at my room that allows me to see in the kitchen)
a black shadow float across the window....
i ran fast at the kitchen and theres no people there...(i was alone)
i double check and theres nothing...
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?
Originally Posted by cloren View Post
i dont believe in ghost but sometimes i got freaked out by it
i saw one in my the window of my room(theres a window at my room that allows me to see in the kitchen)
a black shadow float across the window....
i ran fast at the kitchen and theres no people there...(i was alone)
i double check and theres nothing...

Seeing is believing, yo. ;o

Also, you reminded me of 2 separate events taking place in my notorious kitchen. First, I heard heavy breathing in the hallway that leads to the kitchen. I was freaked out as hell, so I checked it out (thinking that perhaps my parents or one of my brothers was up and about), but no. There was nothing.

And yes, once, I heard footsteps. And yes, I heard the "psh psh" walking sounds, not just the floor making noise. God I hated that apartment.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post

guitarookid: I have no idea how old the building I lived in was, though. But the whole area (staircase up the building, cellar - especially kitchen) felt extremely unnerving. It's weird though, I'm the same paranoid guy I was back then, and I rarely feel nervous in this house. I'm thinking there must've been something going on at least.

Ah! Well, age normally is an important factor in haunts.
Another story that I just remembered. I used to live in Glen Cove, Long Island-- I had to have been about four or five at the time, and so my little brother was two-- and my little brother used to speak to the books. Now, this would have been normal, if he didn't name them all. One of the books-- the one he always said was the most important-- was 'Atunsic'. The name in and of itself would be hard for a two year old to pronounce, let alone hear. The strangest part about that, was that Atunsic was my Grandfather, who had died before my younger brother and I were born. How he knew the name, we didn't know, but it scared us all.
A similar story happened in my cousin's household, in which, my younger cousin spoke to someone in his crib.

You know what, though, I think most people would be paranoid when it comes to this subject, Dalir. I mean, honestly, the fact that there are things we can't explain makes me nervous. Really, it's a relieving yet scary thing, that there might be something after this.
Don't think so.

Never seen any, and frankly i don't see how your ego can possibly survive the destruction of your brain, just like software can't survive destruction of your computer.

A lot of people (especially in tender and impressionable age) tend to assign any seemingly unexplainable noise (wooden houses very often cause it, especially older ones) to paranormal activity. Noise, unusual shadow, lens flare, and so on and so forth.

If i did see some figure that positively looked paranormal, i would totally walk into it head-on. Then if it disappeared I'd consult a psychotherapist.
I do not believe in ghosts. When one time, like a week after my uncle's death. I had about 2-4 people in my family that had a dream of him, all I can remember from one of them that it was only a regular simple day and out of no where, my uncle came and told them that he wanted them to be happy and that he is okay.

They told me that he came to them in their sleep.

Edit: By the way, does ghost and spirit have the same meaning?
Last edited by Dragenon; Sep 28, 2009 at 06:01 AM.
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