Aliens classified as VISIBLE creatures.
At all the idea of a Alien must be outta this space or ONLY in THIS dimension, is just ridiculous.

I mean, why humans ever need for anything a VISIBLE proof, before a few decades noone knew about smaller particles, and ONLY cuz we could see it under the microscope , made us believe it on it.

We also cant tell if the sunlight makes the colors or our Eyes, for example cats only see black white contrasts.
So does the sunlight split in different colors now or is it only our eyes ,what makes us think they are colors, and actually the sunlight dont have any color.
The Plants on the Earth are Green , cuz the clorophyl reacts to the sunlight, so they have greenish colors.Besides that the ammount of light also affects it.
So that means on other planets where the sun shines weaker on or which are too far from the sun, the plants must be for example purple.
Well atleast a human would see it as purple.
In my Opinion the whole Universe and everything what we see is actually just Contrast, Black/White.

But people who claim to have a astral body Travel also talk about seeing colors,symbols and Patterns.
So if there are other Dimensions does that mean they have color?
And where come the specific attributes of colors from.
Like red=love yellow=envy Green=hope

Their is also a 3rd theory, the Brain creates the colors, that would be the theory with most evidence, cuz when we dream we also see colors in our dream, even when our Eyes actually are closed.

the 4th Theory is Colors come from our soul, that would make sense,when u get back to the astral travel.
Our soul is also described with colors.
It takes the concept of Chakrapoints for this,each Chakra describes a color
Besides that theres evidence for People who was Braindead to have a near death -experience.
That would destroy the 3rd theory.

Tell me what u think about that people.

Thank you
The Sleepy Beast
time is all perception, man. when you die, your body can't comprehend time stopping, so everything slows way down. This is the afterlife. They showed that rats have a peak in brain activity in the moments before death. Legit.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem


What has this to do with my post?

Its about seeing colors not what happens when ur death.

The Near Death Experience was just a example.
I also talked about BRAINDEAD people, with a near Death Experience.
So ur answer isnt valid...

have a nice day
Last edited by thedevill; Sep 4, 2012 at 03:34 AM.
The Sleepy Beast
i have a theory...
Isaac Newton invented gravity when an apple tree grew in his small intestines so he invented gravity to help get the tree out of his stomach. But when he invented it there was no gravity so the older the animal, the higher it floated. So when gravity was made all the dinosaurs either floated of into space or fell to the ground so hard they died. And because humans and other creatures we see now are relatively newer they survived and there were some types of more evolved dinosaurs that grew wings and had flatulence problems so they could control their movement when there was no gravity and then when there was they just flew to the ground. The End
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
The Illuminati thing is actually a weird theory.. I mean, thinking that there are only 13 families ruling a whole world is crazy!
I heard they're about to reveal the truth to the world as their plans are about to be accomplished..
I remember of that one dollar bill thing. The pyramid with 13 fils of bricks and one missing means there's only one plan left to complete. and above the eagle theres 13 stars. And also, it's written "Novus ordo Seclorum" or something..

But it's just a theory, and I still don't believe in it..
"Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all...
Together we stand, divided we fall"
A few popular theories.

Time isn't straight forward, in turns and bends, but the human mind perceives it as moving forward.

Aliens genetically engineered homo erectus to evolve faster, and that's why we evolved so fast from homo erectus to homo sapiens.

Early humans lost their fur because they replaced it with sweat glands, so they wouldn't overheat when chasing after prey. And humans are built for being sturdy runners. (This is actually more of a fact, but whatever)

And here is my favorite theory (Actually, it's a fact, but the christian church won't accept it for obvious reasons), it dashes the hopes and dreams of stupid christian fanatics.

Scientists have done some studies... [also slightly edited for terms]

When your heart stops, sometimes your brain is still slightly concious for about 20 minutes. If in those 20 minutes, you see "god" or "heaven" or your dead family members, it isn't really heaven. When your brain is still in this state, it can't process that you're nearly dead, so it creates an illusion of what you'd expect when you die, so you don't go crazy and have a stroke or something similar attack.

However, if you have visions of the afterlife after these 20 minutes, you may very well be seeing the afterlife, scientists can't explain that.
Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
We also cant tell if the sunlight makes the colors or our Eyes, for example cats only see black white contrasts.
So does the sunlight split in different colors now or is it only our eyes ,what makes us think they are colors, and actually the sunlight dont have any color.
The Plants on the Earth are Green , cuz the clorophyl reacts to the sunlight, so they have greenish colors.Besides that the ammount of light also affects it.

The reason why plants are green, is because they absorb all of the red and blue light from the sun, and reflect the green light. The reason why things are black, is because they don't reflect any color, they absorb it all. The reason why things are white, is because they reflect all the light they take it. If a beam of light touches a prism, a rainbow comes out the other end, because it splits the white beam into all of the colors inside it.

And the reason why we perceive colors the way we do, is because our retina are engineered to do so. Cats see in black and white in the day, but they make up for it by seeing is light blue during the night.
Last edited by NormalCitizen; Sep 4, 2012 at 11:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by NinjaVodou View Post
i have a theory...
Isaac Newton invented gravity when an apple tree grew in his small intestines so he invented gravity to help get the tree out of his stomach. But when he invented it there was no gravity so the older the animal, the higher it floated. So when gravity was made all the dinosaurs either floated of into space or fell to the ground so hard they died. And because humans and other creatures we see now are relatively newer they survived and there were some types of more evolved dinosaurs that grew wings and had flatulence problems so they could control their movement when there was no gravity and then when there was they just flew to the ground. The End

I hope you're trolling.

Earth's gravity is caused by the dark matter in or around the earth, that bends the spacetime continuum.

And dinosaurs wouldn't "fall off" the earth, because in the billions of years it takes for planets to form, gravity would have already been established long before the first microbial life.
Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
Here's an additional topic:
Is there a theory that calls for a way to revive/reanimate a deceased being?

Too many to count.
I also have one last popular theory to share:

Some people think that the ancient egyptians embalmed and put their dead in sarcophagus' because they saw their "gods" do it. But their "gods" were merely preparing for the journey to lightspeed, with cryogenic freeze chambers and protective suits. And the egyptians mistook this for the gods dying.
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
I like how you used men in black to form the basic structure of your post.

Me, I believe that the shadow government rules all of earth's nations as one single shadowy group.

NWO man, it's OWN spelled backwords man!


I'd also like to quote myself here, and this is my last theory for today.
Last edited by NormalCitizen; Sep 4, 2012 at 11:53 PM. Reason: ur mom
Stop to talk about the illuminati when u dont know about it...

Its not even The Illuminati.

theres two groups of so called Illuminati.

Illuminati means Enlightened.

and yeah controlling the world is possible whats so funny about.
Humans are easy to manipulated by their primitive needs.
Money = Greed + Power.
The World system is about money.
Who dont have money needs to suck ballz of the one who have money,otherways he woudl die.

is that so hard to understand?

And dont come with Alien Theorys now...
They dont hide Aliens but other Things.

And the hollow earth isnt funny,
Its a fact kinda.
Get some knowledge about physics.
Its also a fact that the sun is hollow and also they found out Jupiter is hollow.
Where would the magnetic field come from in the eclipse way it goes, when their wouldnt be no holes deep enough to spread them?
If their wouldnt be any holes, the earth would have on all places the same magnet field.
And how does it come from the poles then?
Compare the magnetic fields of the sun with the earth.
U will see im right, the magnetic field comes out from the holes and goes eclipse shaped in another hole back.

here Earth

here Sun

think about.

And dont troll me, cuz i dont believe what ur stupid teacher told u in school.
Who still deny the Earth is Hollow is just a idiot...

And if u ask where does the lava come from.
The Earthcrust is thinner than u think.
and cuz it dont has much place it comes out from the holes of the earth , or from Vulcanos etc.
And how? Cuz the earth spins, so naturally, through the spinning of the earth the inside is forced by gravity to come out any how.
It kinda twirls out .
If the earth would be all massive, the lava wouldnt move in any way, or atleast not with that pressure, cuz it would have enough place.
We learned form a bottle as higher the vacuum is, as higher the pressure of the water is, what needs anyhow to come out through the opening.

Besides the 2nd fact is the magentic field wouldnt be from northpole to southpole outside, when the hole isnt deep enough, i take the picture of the sun for this as example, to explain.
As deeper the Holes as farer and higher the Magnetic path spreads.
and our magnetic field spreads from north to south a whole path.
If the earth is filled with substance this wouldnt work, cuz the hole wouldnt go deep enough to spread such a long magnetic path.
So it means... there MUST be a Vacuum inside the Earth so the magnetic fields can connect inside north and south, and spread a path enough long to connect outside with another.
The sun has some holes which arent deep enough, so there can only be a weak magnetic path be builded, or it just connects with itself.
As we seen in the picture of the Sun magnetic field.
Ofcourse theres a Core inside.
Its partly out of Iron and Crystal.
And the core is cold not hot.

I suggest some people, instead of listening their teacher and the so called "experts" to think for urself, but also know about science etc.
Employ with it, u will see even sience makes mistakes.
Some things what u learn are wrong.
Science was never ment to explain everything, thats a mislead of human dumbness.
Science cant explain afterlife, it cant explain that people can foresee things by their dreams, it cant explain the soul, it cant explain whats the Aura, which actives for example when u dont keep a special distance to a person, and anyhow she/he/it feels it, without to know about.

Science is a tool not the Ultimate Truth to explain everything around u.
And people shouldnt compare everything with logic and get rid of that some things arent explainable.
We stuck in our own evolution.

Before a couple of years we didnt even knew theres a giant black hole near our sun.
We still cant explain how pyramids were build.
We cant explain what was Stonehedge for.
we cant explain Mirin Dajo
We can explain the whole universe, cuz its endless.
We cant explain what endless is without to use a similiar meaning of "endless" or a symbol.

The Sleepy Beast