Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I see him alot but he doesnt have clan tag
When fighting with someone you must first walk a mile in their shoes. Then you can be a mile away and have their shoes.
well it feels good for you to be in our official clan, and im not so sure about xkatana, I dont think hes made 1 post on the forums period yet, hows he gonna stay in the loop if he doesnt read our forum?
Okay, I'm a little skay on the ranking system now. Having a higher rank just because you joined before someone else, that just doesn't seem fair. I say we should have in-clan tryouts and compare how you play ingame to how active and responsible you are on the forums. Please give me all of your input.
Yes, I'm not talking about MY position, but for Turbinia or Demonic. They were some of the last people to join, so they get put at the bottom of the rank. For the Randomninja, Andyson776, and me, are ranks should stay the same due to the fact that we revived it and our mod powers. i think we should then put the other members in ranks based on skill, activeness, and how respectful they are in the forums or something like that.
ha ha respect i might fail at, rank.....meh...and im an average player.....but i was still here since almost the beggining, like 5th or 6th member...and i left after we were down to like maybe 4 actice members.....what would my rank be?
Technical Old School. - It exists.
I'll try and make a ranking of all our members by the end of the day based on all the aspects I have listed above.
Then you guys can have your say on if it is acceptable or not.