Guess what I don't care about getting full textures so I'll still be over in stump world with my spoon in my wrist. XD jk But still it doesn't matter to me if I get full textures just that everyone else is happy.
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NOT YOU. when i was typing the kicked out for bribing it was directed at the whole clan and i thought you would agree with me onthat rule *face palm*
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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OH sure yeah that's good your wording looked weird to my half asleep eyes...
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master i didnt even read all of the stuff you posted about me and your already starting to piss me off >:O
fuck you i dont care how long it takes or if i even get ANYTHING from this clan, i want to help and thats all, you take everything too literaly and your NOT A FUCKING STONER weed is gay so stop acting like your all hardcore because you smoked once!

all i try to do i make a joke here and there and you just talk shit because your a higher belt than me >:O
if i get kicked out for being "annoying" or for flaming josh then so be it but every time i say something josh is there to be an ass
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Rawr. lol trust me your not going to get kicked out for flaming ME if anything kj and BuyAKia(inside joke) are laughing there asses off and i dont see how you were making a joke infact all i saw was donate 2k and get a full texture. im glad you want to help the clan lets work off of that And. when did i ever say i was a hardcore stoner? i want this weed so i can get so fucked up i dont know my up from my down(THAT WOULD BE Awesome)
and im not talking shit because im a higher belt then you im talking shit because im of higher mentality then you
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Guys take your fight up of the clan bank. Unless you have something to say about the clan bank I don't want it here. And saying "But he said blah blah blah." I don't care and I'm sure buya dosen't care.
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Buya send Quicksilver froces or relaxs when ever you want; they sell like hot cakes. ^^
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yea qs is a good seller i even bought the relax from my us. so how we doing this texture distribution thing again? cause im flat broke and spending any tc i can on finishing off my texture set lol
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Well as soon as buya, neon, me can talk about it or you guys get me that list of prices for me to set the items to I'll tell you. All I know is I'm not touching that tc and updateing the shop when there's a sale.
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