Originally Posted by Gymbash View Post
I am for yoga pants!
Whats the point of school(besides learning) if there aren't any pretty girls in yoga pants to take my mind off the stress and workload of all the work and stuff.... YOGA PANTS FOR LIFE!! (YPFL)

Dude we got it, guys love yoga pants but you don't look at them when you are stressed! You just look when you want to have some fun.
And if you look,you just look one time and keep doing work. Maybe, sometimes you look for 10 seconds but that doesnt change anything u look and turn back. The girl doesnt get naked if you stare at her ass. Besides the school is not going to un-ban the yoga pants if you disscuss this with toribashers -_-
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Besides the school is not going to un-ban the yoga pants if you disscuss this with toribashers -_-

Are you for real?
Where did I ever say it was my goal to get the unbanned or keep them banned? Stop making assumptions based on stuff that isn't there.
I was just asking for other's peoples opinions.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by randomguy8 View Post
There's other distractions beside girls asses. Just saying.

Agreed. Things like remembering a funny video you saw on YT, and other things like that.

You guys need to keep focus on what you're doing, and try to not get distracted.
Snipin' is a good job, mate!
Well, at my school we have a uniform *sad face* and it is only a boys school *even sadder face*.

But back on topic, just because some dudes enjoy staring at a girl's ass in yoga pants the whole period, doesn't mean that the pants are wrong. It means that there is something wrong with the dudes.

Anyway, personally I think that the banning is for a deeper reason. Maybe there was this dude who grabbed a girl's ass in school (But he must be stupid or something, it would have been much better in a dark alley *hepraderpaderp*) and when he was confronted about it, blamed it on the pants.