Looks like [a] useful thread, lol.
Hooray for corny jokes, haha.
Anyways, how goes the replay Lumie, sorry for asking so much haha
/me dances.

/me pokes Muur's tummy.

/me tangos with Silco.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Lol'd also, I maybe should ask this on the new question thread, but Wafflez, what time are you holding the tourney?
I believe the question thread is mostly for non-adventure members. This is Adventurous Chat.

P.S. Muur, get on IRC more often man.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Lol, yeah, I guess so mate. Also, I would get on IRC, but I've been having to take alot of test and what not recently from when I was sick. But luckily I'm mostly free all weekend, so I'll be on it then.
PS: I have a sexy break from school on monday. Presidents Day :3
I have a sexy break from school today in the form of a half-day. Tomorrow i get a full day off, and then on Monday, I get another day off. pretty sweet, In my opinion.
#Magnus - #Sigma