M&B is awesome, Warband even more so.
Id suggest everyone to get it, and its so cheap right now. GO GO GO.

BTW: M&B: Warband isnt only multiplayer, its entire new game with new units/factions/quests.
Its really worth getting its not a complete different map/story, its only expanded but its very good IMHO.
Still love this game (mount & blade/warband)... a few reasons off hand:
1. It started as an indie game.
2. Free form style of play
3. Interesting economics, shortages of items in regions effects price
4. Best mounted combat I've seen
5. Switch between map mode controlling empire wide strategies to massive 500 vs 500 battles with each unit having it's own agenda. Wait behind your troops are lead them valiantly into the fray.
5. Simple fun of launching an arrow over a hill and knocking the head off a lurking bandit.
6. Open code that can be easily manipulated, you can change every little detail.
7. #6 means the modding community has gone wild, all the variants are breathtaking.
8. Since code is so open, difficulty can be tweaked any way you can imagine.

note: I never bothered with the multiplayer version so I can't speak on that. I don't think the things I personally like about the game would carry through to multiplayer.
Had it for a while and have yet to play it. It didn't look too exciting to me, and I havn't heard anything outstanding about it.

But in light of this thread I will investigate further!
Originally Posted by Gormen View Post
Had it for a while and have yet to play it. It didn't look too exciting to me, and I havn't heard anything outstanding about it.

But in light of this thread I will investigate further!

The videos don't really show up how fun this game is, first time I tried it I got addicted to it for around 2 weeks, you should at least try the demo, it's really fun in my opinion. :P
I had Mount & Blade: Warband and With Fire and Sword.

Both were great games, although I have to say I liked the Brytenwalda mod for Warband the best out of them all (the map was so... expansive!).
Furthest I got in any game was joining whichever faction the purple one is in Warband and taking over just under half the world map. Unfortunately, the majority of the other factions then turned hostile because we were "getting too powerful" and from then on it was just take a city, lose a city on and on in an endless cycle with having to replace all my best men with crappy ones to train up after every couple of battles.