Originally Posted by Accused View Post
Why does everyone have a anime/manga picture as their profile picture?

Am I the only one without one?

Am I special?

Actually it's from a Doujinshi, the text says "As long as Onii-chan has a a hole it doesn't matter."
And then Onii-chan got anally raped
Last edited by Melqart; Mar 28, 2015 at 07:41 PM.
cage the gargoyle
Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
Actually it's from a Doujinshi, the text says "Onii-chan has a a hole right? So what does it matter?"
And then Onii-chan got anally raped


I still see no difference same shit.
Last edited by Accused; Mar 28, 2015 at 07:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Melqart View Post

close enough

Where's the difference between Anime/Manga or whatever you said.