Damn It Ninja(cam). Why you go against what i say :< What kind of competition would there be if we did do one

And Potato too lol
Wow, i've never noticed that you joined in ethr, shockey.

I agree with you, i don't even know why the rust restarted now, it was almost dead few weeks ago.
No real competition, the only 3 would-be competitors already have been promoted for the time being. The best of the three (2 out of three maybe) gets to keep the rank.

Also, I imagine that now we'll be shunning Soap the same way we shun FYR? If that's the case, let me get some image macros.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
fuck off soap, you were a fucking oc leader and you hopped on us.

i demand he be an enemy

This is the most hypocritical thing I've ever read in my life. I won't bother elaborating on this.

Let's draw a line on the clan hatred thing. The only clan you should be worried about is this one.
If a member decides that another clan is more fit for them then more power to them for believing so.
This board is called the "Talk thread". Not the "Oh darn. I can't muster up enough understanding to sympathize with other peoples problems thread".

If you can't do that just keep playing with your wieners.
So yea, i was lying in bed last night staring at the stars.
And I was wondering.
Where the fucks the roof
Boom, arguments deleted, I win.
Move on with a new subject. If you want to hate or shun soap, do so on your own. Don't post on their thread anymore, if you want to talk to them then talk to them ingame or on irc.

In other news, Iso is the new all-round player.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
So yea, i was lying in bed last night staring at the stars.
And I was wondering.
Where the fucks the roof

Lol nice subject change, cam.

But a weird one

Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
Boom, arguments deleted, I win.
Move on with a new subject. If you want to hate or shun soap, do so on your own. Don't post on their thread anymore, if you want to talk to them then talk to them ingame or on irc.

In other news, Iso is the new all-round player.

I wondered what had happened. But that was a smart thing to do...

That's wierd how you can get naked pics of celebs on google images lol.
I thought they would be private.

InfernoXZ Moderated Message:
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Mar 24, 2013 at 10:56 AM.
Looked up a Selena Gomez one a couple days ago. :3

And check this out!

Definition of Ethereal

1.Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
2.Heavenly or spiritual: "ethereal, otherworldly visions".

I'm guessing I missed another big thing again? And why is everyone upset about Soap joining rust? Just look at who the hell is managing the clan. They all have the attention span of a crow.