Originally Posted by Ocean View Post
The question really is... who would even fuck her.
Holy shit.

It's considered attractive in some cultures. For example, arabian women thicken their brows to the point they become Rock Lee because it is considered "sexy". Similiar to that, men try to grow a uni-brow because it is regarded as something formal, even though it might look stupid as fuck to us.
my teacher shaved her eyebrows and draw drew new permanent ones. i'm just going to say one word about her current appearance; retarded.
apparently humans and cultures are far more different than i though.

edit: i love grammar. i guess i'm as much of a retard as she looks like one.
Last edited by Hours; Mar 20, 2015 at 04:54 PM.
Happy birthday

how old are you now?
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Happy birthday rfifan!
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