Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post

Ay-Ay kid, Let me just take my loli and leave.
Consider Kohta's app withdrawn.

Peace! o7

I finally understood this meme lol.

Niko and Kohta are in i, and Tuna is like a leader of i, lol took me a while
Don't make us ask again, please don't post nonsense here. This is for recruitment, there is room for this in the general chat.

Hi, my name IRL is Pedro and i am from Sao Paulo, Brazil (GMT -2,00) . I am 17 years-old and i just got into college where i'm going to study Psychology. If any of you want to learn more about my "Type" i was typed as an INFJ and an INTJ in the MBTI, if any of you are curious about it. And i've always been extremely creative and innovative. So if there is anything i could do to help or improve the clan, is in this area. If there is something i've never experienced in life is lack of ideas. And i am pretty confident in my abilities. Even tough i don't really care about proving stuff to other people, i felt the need to prove this to you guys, buuut i don't really know how to prove it, due to lack of material i could get "public". But i'm hoping that my word is enough (unfortunately. I believe that nothing speaks louder than evidence, so i apologise for the lack thereof).
I love music (i sing and play piano semi-professionally), i want to become an actor (i am trying to be the best though) and i love sports/fitness. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week to get that SHREDDED physique (love dem striations and muscle separations). I am 6 feet tall (183 cm) and i would love to play more basketball and football (both soccer and the american version lol).
Now, regarding ToriBash, i'm definitely more active in-game than on the forums and i LOVE aikido! Is my best mod, no doubts. I usually improv a lot and i am very reaction based (although i calculate movements most of the time) and i love countering with flips, spins and flamboyant movements. Check on the replays to see my style. And regarding to that you may ask: "Why is he a 2nd Dan Black Belt if he plays since 2012?" Well let me answer you. My computer broke a lot when i first started playing, delaying the ranking up process. Plus i was inactive from february 2015 until mid january 2017 due to school. I was previously a member of Viper (my first clan), which i left because it was dying, then i joined TFO (died), Source (died). So i took a break from clans, until i got invited to Aether, where they where inactive af. Then i was invited to join Zero, which ended up dying (what a track record, right?). Then i took a break from Toribash for about three months. When i got back i applied to Crooks, where i stayed for about six months, until school came knocking on my door and i had to stop playing video-games all together. And then i got kicked out (rightfully so) because i was inactive for freakin' two years. Something i regret a lot, because i lost the friends i made there.
I want to join Obey because i've met some of the players, one of them was Joope1 (a extremely good player. From his style, i judge he is a pretty kick ass replay-maker), in betting rooms and tourneys (where i spend most of my time) and they always seem to be great players and great to socialise. So, i wondered if i could also be part of this community that i'm so intrigued by and that i always, since my first week playing back in 2012, wanted to be part of. And you also seem pretty cool and badass in-game so... lol
Yep, that's it. Cheers

NOTE: About the rpls, the 1st one (Glitch) and the 2nd one (Almost) i didn't win. The first i lost (by points) and the other was a draw. But both of them really show my play style and that i have skill. And, while re-watching some of them, i noticed that they cab get kinda bugged, be sure to watch'em to the end I would like to have more material but i'm only back for a couple of days. My bad :/
Attached Files
glicth.rpl (91.3 KB, 5 views)
almost.rpl (54.6 KB, 3 views)
abd1.rpl (33.0 KB, 4 views)
counterflip.rpl (43.6 KB, 2 views)
greykido1.rpl (71.1 KB, 4 views)
suplex.rpl (41.1 KB, 3 views)
counterr.rpl (59.8 KB, 4 views)
basic.rpl (38.2 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by PeSystem; Jan 15, 2017 at 06:08 PM.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

Hi, my name is Isaac and I am a 14 year old kid from Kentucky that plays Toribash in his free time, let me tell you a bit about me.

I first started Toribash way back in 2012 and I didn't like it just because I got my ass kicked but as I kept playing I soon started to get better and better and then it was almost like a light bulb turned on because I just started to beat everyone that used to kick my ass and I really just understood the game way more than before, sadly I hit a few road bumps and left Toribash, I came back a couple months later and realized I wasn't as good as I once was so I found an old friend named Kratos and trained with him for a good half a year, at this time my name was still "Dragonmonk" I know awful name but I wanted a name change so I was selling most of everything I had and I was going to sell some art to a guy name Goughy but I decided to give it to him for free and he asked me once I gave it to him if I had a Secret Santa ticket thing and I told him no, the next day I checked my pm's and I had been given full no QI Void from the MagicalSack. This is when my rise in Toribash started but like a fucking retard I gave the full no QI Void to Cold but still I started to get better and better and I started enjoying the game more and more and now I am applying to join an amazing clan.

Let me tell you about my life away from Toribash now, I am 14 and still in the 8th grade I don't do any "normal" sports like baseball ect. but I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Phil Clarks Relson Gracie gym, I like to base my playing style in Toribash on BJJ but other than that I don't do any sports and I mostly am a hermit and I like to keep to myself. I spend most my time Training, doing school work, Toribash and Youtube but I also like to work out and shit like that. I would like to become a BJJ teacher and compete in tournaments when I get older but if that were to not work for some reason than I wouldn't mind going into the Military. At school I make decent grades but my personality really shines there because I love to be the class clown and make everyone laugh and be that one kid that's always trying to crack a joke.

Well it looks like I forgot to put my GMT and main mods so I will just put them down here,
My GMT is -5 and my main mods are Greykido, Aikido and ABD. Thank you guys for reading my app have a nice day
Attached Files
[b]7.rpl (74.3 KB, 7 views)
[d]10.rpl (33.0 KB, 7 views)
[s]14.rpl (57.8 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Moon; Jan 15, 2017 at 02:30 AM.
I already submit a application the previous thread a few weeks ago a Guy named Fred approved me but he never invited me after i spoke with him i then spoke with your leader, Frost and Gentleman but i guess i will have to reapply.

OK i'm not going to lie i am a 2nd Dan and i have been playing since i think 2012 or either 13 i cannot remember because i stopped playing for a year and i just came back. When i used to play a year ago i was in a clan but i guess after they saw that i was no longer active they extracted me from their clan. i always wanted to be up there with the best. When i used to play, Wapow was in the lead but now i see that u guy's have done a nice job and worked your way to the top. When i play Toribash i don't play seriously, most of the time i just joke around and play for fun.

Things i'm good at:
I'm mostly good at Mushu, Aikido, Wushu, Boxshu, Parkour, And sparring
if u need me to do anything i'm the type of guy that can get it done.
I am very good at Toribash so please don't underestimate me.
I am the type of guy u should bring to a clan war. or duels or Tc Tourneys.

Well i don't want to type to the point to where my keys fall of so i'm going to just end here.
Hopefully u guy's except me.

hey Obey is a wonderful clan and i just want to be a part of it.

Ps:I don't know to attach files or no so please notify about that
Last edited by Mykhayl; Jan 15, 2017 at 12:50 AM. Reason: I accidentally misspelled some words lol