Anyone play Mordekaiser, I want some tips for 3v3 and perhaps how you like to build him, I just love harassing the other person out of the lane with his E spell whilst farming all the same
Makes me 18 before most people and I can soak up damage as well as give it
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
why people sayi wriggles is bad for top, wrigg is good for trynda expecially because he is mellee nad has to waste less time on mobs, he gets armor and tops is almost always ad and he gets dmg. On the top of that a super lifesteal.

With the nerf you will probably build the wriggles asap with a bit extra defense due to the amount of harass you gona get.

Wriggles is overrated overall. The only reason it worked it's way into the current meta is because of high level teams using it, but players fail to realize that the only reason they get ad carries and such to buy it is because they are coordinated so that the temporary setback from the actual high damage items is counterbalanced by increased creep and map utility.

Low level play, I see a shit ton of people who get wriggles, but it doesn't mean jack shit if I start zoning you. Which I will do the second I see you buy it, because I know I now have the damage advantage. And now you need help from your teammates to get your exp and gold back, which you might not get because you aren't an organized team, you're a bunch of randoms.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Start boots and health pots. Then get a wriggles, level 2 boots at some point, then infinity edge, then phantom dancer. You can get a zeal in between wriggles and iedge if you really want to though.

That's what I just said...
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
I always go for those Magic resist boots, work better for squishy little Teemo.

More importantly, am I the only one who is annoyed by teammates who run off on their own, get destroyed, and then yell, "OMG WHERE IS MY TEAM YOU GUYS ARE SO BAD."?
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Wriggles is overrated overall. The only reason it worked it's way into the current meta is because of high level teams using it, but players fail to realize that the only reason they get ad carries and such to buy it is because they are coordinated so that the temporary setback from the actual high damage items is counterbalanced by increased creep and map utility.

Low level play, I see a shit ton of people who get wriggles, but it doesn't mean jack shit if I start zoning you. Which I will do the second I see you buy it, because I know I now have the damage advantage. And now you need help from your teammates to get your exp and gold back, which you might not get because you aren't an organized team, you're a bunch of randoms.

hmmm i kinda agree on the low level playing, for example when an ad carry ( i play ad carries mostly ) buys that item i know i got the lane undercontrol and that i am going to win it.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
i dont go after them on customroom and i dont play in america so i havent.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.