torsito, post on our forums, and be active on IRC and ill say yes,

bwb, keep posting, IRC, etc, etc
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
I love the random chat thread it was a great idea [first time talking in it.]
But anyways scince its RANDOM then .......Pudding hehehe is brown and liquidy.....hehehe
I'll miss you
lol, ofc i can but, sometimes i go to school 6:40AM and comeback just 7:30PM, thats like no time, i have hw and i arrive too much tired.. and sometimes ppl call me to play soccer... so is pretty difficult ; D, and i'm a laaaaazy guy
lol he wanna get in TLL, the clan hopper etc... also u don't go to IRC bwb, just a bit.. so i won't apper if u still like that