Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hello members of obey, Hope everyone is having a very good Christmas. Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Pranit in game and in real life. Yeah I don’t know if many people do that. But when I started off I wasn’t a gamer. I was a huuuugeeee nerd. And now I play a few games like Toribash, CsGo and League. I am from Bangkok Thailand. The GMT here is +7. I actually see quite a few Obey members during my time of activity. I am pretty active on the forums. I don’t post much because I have nowhere to post. I am very active in game. I usually use discord, skype, IRC, and teamspeak for communication.(i am open for any other sort of communication)Before I forget, my age is 16. I just turned 16 actually. December 18, I feel that I am a bit over mature for my age.

Now let me share my experience and history of ToriBash. I started toribash around 4 years ago. I don’t know what happened but this game just clicked. I fucking loved it! None of my friends liked it. They felt it was very weird and they didn’t have the touch. I just played and played until I actually got pretty good at it. I actually made it from white to black belt only by playing jousting mods. Now I am pretty good in any aikido based mods. I can play other mods too if I practice. Like for the clan league. I usually start preparing for it a few months in advance. I try to get as much practice in. Right now I have my mid term break so I will be very very active. Once school starts ill still be pretty active but I need to priorities my studies.

I know a few of you lads but not all which means I need to introduce myself in depth. I am an Indian that lives in Thailand. I have a thing for gambling. Yeah. Im really addicted to it, I usually bet on football ( soccer ) my favorite team is Arsenal. I also love playing football. I usually play right back or right wing. I know I cant play striker so I don’t usually go for it. I recently started going to the gym. It has been like 4 months. And im pretty sure I can call my self a body builder. I might not look the best but I look wayyyy better than what I was. I can dead lift about 200 pounds. I also bench like 143 pounds. But theres one problem with me. Everyone's legs are usually the strongest but for me, I honestly don’t know why my legs are probably the weakest.( no, I do not skip leg day) I can still squat 110 pounds but compared to the other body parts its weak. I really don’t understand. My legs are actually huge as well. Anyways enough of gym talk(I love the gym now). I also do a lot of card tricks.

Now about my previous clans. I recently left (FC) because it just didn’t feel like home. I was in vibe earlier and Ascend before that. I really need a home for good. And I really like the members of obey. I can contribute my activity and my Aikido based mods skills. Theres always room for improvement. Hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks and once again HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!
Niko's Obey Application

About me:
Hello my name is Niko, i'm a 19 years old Police Academy student from Poland. (UTC+01:00) I was born in Poland though i lived in many countries due to my parents job career therefore i speak 4 languages quite fluently, that obviously costed me a normal childhood and many friends. Once i became an adult i moved back to Poland to study at the Academy and it's great, i found my love and met a couple of great friends here already. I'm a loli loving weeb and an artist, i specialize in vector, semi realistic artstyle and animation. I made a ton of art, textures and a couple of sets in the past, i'm working on Icky's set atm. I practice Jiu-Jitsu with my friends and a great teacher who has a 5th Dan Black belt and loves to toss me around the mat, apparently i'm his favorite UKE. I have 6 years of moderating and game management experience, Robocraft ex-moderator if someone wondered, i quit due to the lack of work compared to what it used to be, moderated it for like 3-4 years. I'm very organized and idealistic, unless it's perfect it's not done yet. Trustworthy, most of the Wapow members shared their secrets with me because they know that i'm honest no matter what and i'm able to hold secrets. I used to stick with Wapow for over a year, been a great time with those guys, i just hope i'll enjoy the time with you guys the same way.

What i got to offer for Obey:
The same thing i offered to Wapow, my whole moderating and management experience, cheaper or even free art for everything the clan or clan members require, trustworthy friendship awesome art cnc, advices about anime in case someone is watching this kind of stuff, ton of humor and a active member.

My activity:
I spend most of my time doing art in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects but i'm very clan active and that includes social chat, wars and all possible ways to support the clan like art, events, clan management and such which is way more important than just QI farming in random rooms and that doesn't mean i'm not playing at all. I play only QA, most likely 95% of my whole game experience though i'm able to play any other mod aswell since it's all about joint knowledge afterall. (68-70% winratio)

Why Obey:
The Wapow i joined has died and it's time to get myself together and continue my journey. Why Obey? I've been asking myself the same thing since a couple of days now, why not Parrot or any other clan? I don't like many people but Obey members somehow made it every time, it makes me feel the same way i felt one year ago when i applied to Wapow and it turned out that i love all those people and enjoyed every single day with them. Other than that this clan seems to still have the thing that makes a clan better than the others and i'd love to support that in any possible way.

Thanks in advance for reading this terrible wall of tears sweat and blood.