A warm welcome huh Let me go get you some coffee fresh from the Internet and some chocolate biscuits I picked up on the way from YouTube. Enjoy ;)
Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
They are new, recently accepted by rappunk. It was an instant acception so we didnt have time to really realize that he had applied/joined

Kinda like what happened with my application XD either way welcome to the clan Kamura!
|Essence staff manager|
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Do you know who (in the administration) would be overseeing usercards and the like?
Perhaps we can talk to one of them.

Unfortunately I do not, sorry man.

Originally Posted by Okami View Post
Kinda like what happened with my application XD either way welcome to the clan Kamura!

Nah, we just thought we needed a team mascot for the clan and that's when you applied :P
I don't know I just remember that I pretty much gave this guy full chronos for free and he did like a clan item raffle thingy with it. Anyway, guess who got 2nd dan
Guess i'll pop in and chat here :3

Gratz on 2nd kradel
What have you guys been doing today then?
I've mostly been working out and that kind off stuff
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Welcome trial member I am just watching YouTube videos, playing Toribash and Xbox.

Just chilling.