Squigling got banned for selling textures that weren't his. hmmm....

ted, did he sell you begotten's textures?
I'm very confused.
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
He sold me begottens actual skin for 19k, the only thing he made was the head. He tried to lied to me and say he made it when it was exactly like begottens. All he did was resize the body and recolor it, not that much work on it. I'm looking for a gold and old gold robot. I'll show anybody the textures and show a picture of begotten and prove that all he did was resize and recolor.
Last edited by tedster789; Nov 28, 2014 at 05:29 PM.
I quit Monk Guys. - Squigling
Ted I hope you are Happy now. I think I will Quit TB Now.
Also Lol, Tedster? How tactless. You get me banned and you laugh about it. This is the reason I am leaving this game guys.

I'm not laughing, i didn't want you to be banned. I'm not happy about it! Besides that, you talked bad to bbking, so it wasn't my fault either, it was your actions towards him, not mine.
Besides that, all i wanted was a refund and some work into it! Squigiling, i never want you to be banned, i'm not kidding.
Last edited by tedster789; Nov 28, 2014 at 05:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well, selling textures that don't belong to you is a serious offence.
You're lucky it isn't a perm ban Squig.
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
Originally Posted by rcrichman View Post
BBK, what i find funny is tb is the only game you have time for, yet it is the longest game. I got another game for you if you want to try it... (It's free.) It's called "Mario Portal"
Can anyone make me a monk texture in blue... To go with my set

Its just the shoes shins and hands that need to be changed. I can send you some hand/shin textures if you want.

i am a bird now - Lil B