Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
^ and we are proud of that (:

2013. Germany. Two policemen halt a speeding car. One of them asks the driver for his licence and so on. He checks them and giggles, then shouts to the other policeman:
- Hey Ahmed, look at this! What a weird name, Schmidt!

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
2013. Germany. Two policemen halt a speeding car. One of them asks the driver for his licence and so on. He checks them and giggles, then shouts to the other policeman:
- Hey Ahmed, look at this! What a weird name, Schmidt!

I don't get it.

It's about how there's so many Turks/Muslims in Germany that they're everywhere (e.g. police) and they're so common that nobody pays attention, while typical, common german names like Schmidt are rare to the point of freaking them out.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
It's quite weird, at current rate white people in Europe will go extinct. Combine low birthrate in white families and mass immigration and poof. Well it's not going to be next decade but maybe centuries or so.
Originally Posted by XmiechoX View Post
christ ,i keep forgetting that this forum even exists ... you have to forgive me ,guys ...

No problem, it's been proven that severe alcohol abuse damages functions of many internal organs as well as memory.

By the way I'm almost done with being lolsaed and regaining my beloved "shit I don't care" attitude. Life's getting good.

On the other hand, there's such a shitton of stuff to study for chemistry exams .____. And math's gonna be tough as well. And I can't find energy/motivation to study right now. I hope that I'll dedicate some time to that during christmas at the very least.

Also tommorow's a shitday, ton of stuff to do. Damn.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
No problem, it's been proven that severe alcohol abuse damages functions of many internal organs as well as memory.

The curse of the addicted members

We do have some bad immigrant politics in Germany. I mean, it's not bad to have so much immigrants here, it's just bad how they work on immigrating those who come. A lot of foreigners come for the money and not for the chances or possibilities. That's why some German folks start to hate foreigners. We had like 5% for a politic org that seems to be neo Nazis.
Anyway, I'm at a doc atm and he will decide about my next to years so wish me some luck.
Either he sees that I'm crazy and sends me home or he sees that I'm crazy and just don't care
Army test?
Anyway good luck
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
The curse of the addicted members

We do have some bad immigrant politics in Germany. I mean, it's not bad to have so much immigrants here, it's just bad how they work on immigrating those who come. A lot of foreigners come for the money and not for the chances or possibilities. That's why some German folks start to hate foreigners. We had like 5% for a politic org that seems to be neo Nazis.
Anyway, I'm at a doc atm and he will decide about my next to years so wish me some luck.
Either he sees that I'm crazy and sends me home or he sees that I'm crazy and just don't care

Immigrants aren't a problem. It's just a social befeits which allows to get them money for nothing. If someone comes from faraway and actually has job, pay taxes etc I'm totally ok with him.
Last edited by shadowelf; Dec 17, 2013 at 03:20 PM.
Immigrants aren't a problem. It's just a social befeits which allows to get them money for nothing. If someone comes from faraway and actually has job, pay taxes etc I'm totally ok with him.

"Immigrants aren't a problem. Except they are a problem.". Huge majority of them just come for the free social benefits and shit. At least to other countries. Not so many come to Poland because it's xenophobic. It's a two-edged sword really, on one hand we're fucking isolative faggots, on the other hand we don't get muslim flood here. By the way some arabian guy was hit with a hammer by random guy on train station, it was pretty big news some months ago, breddy funny. Not that I approve of this shit, but it sort of shows you that people in Poland mostly don't take kindly to foreigners, and some take it to violent levels. So yeah.

By the way talking of foreigners I met a guy from Finland in the shop. Of course they had problems selling him a frozen pizza 'cause the cash register wouldn't accept it. And the shop assistant couldn't speak english for shit. L o l. I sort of saved the situation by explaining stuff to the finnish guy and to the shop assistant. Heh. Anyway, as I was leaving, he still didn't get his frozen pizza. I hope he did by now.

Anyway, good luck Aika.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Those immigrant politics should be reformed soon. I know a lot of people who start thinking naively to a antisemitism direction. Imo stupid people, because it's false in every way

The test's where quite hard. It began yet by the handshake.. But it went all well.