StarSii app
GMT:Eastern time zone
Replaysont know how to post
Competitive game modes (or other strengths):Mushu,aikido,sparring depends
LEt me join pls.I have played tb for 1 year,i am a big fan of u guys cause OBEy is BeaST,and i like the people in there.I am on once a week or more.

P.S.:Im probably going to be rejected but thats fine.Its totally not my dream or anything.But its okay.I'll be clanless until i can get in so yeah.

MY belt means nothing i have alot of alts cause i abandon some.

(Get real Justin they wont except u in this clan. You saw all those 390 post and most got rejected so u wont be lucky):C
I can add 500tc every week i believe to bank pls let me in
Last edited by StarSii; Nov 29, 2016 at 02:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
GMT:eastern time NEW YORK TIME
Replays:dont know how
Competitive game modes:aikido,boxshu,and (parkour kinda)
I like NARUTO more specifically the ANBU clan.I like anime.My fav character is itachi um.I play toribash alot maybe too much.I would like to join ur clan because u guys are the best.YEa its pretty boring sry.
To join [OBEY]
Hello my name is Jeremy Hilton, I am currently 14, turning 15 on February 22 hip hip. I am in the 9th grade. I don't take any honors, may be taking honors in math next year, I have 2 B's and the rest are A's. I spend most of my time in school and playing football and free time playing toribash. I've played football for 4 years now and plan to play all 4 years of High school. I don't play any other pc game other than Toribash and it's been like 2 years since I've played Wizard101.

Other clans I was in was Ugh hate to say it but (Ve) a very dirty clan, I never got treated like clan mates should be treated and they are starting to die so I left. I was in (J) aka Jolt leader left/ quit game had no choice to leave. So now I look forward to joining [Obey], I've been wanting to join Obey since I've known about the forums, aka like blue belt.

I live in the U.S.A in WV my GMT is -5. I've lived in WV pretty much my whole life and I hope I never live in the city sorry for you city people I hate to think of living in a city.

My best modes are ABD, akido, Grey-kido, Judo, Working on lenshu for you Fred love you fred no homo tho. I also do a little bit of sparring and do no parkour. I'll post a video of me doing a non finished spar. I mostly play ABD and grey-kido.

I've been playing the game for almost 2 years know, I'm pretty sure you don't need my Skype, because I'm on the discord. My activity around the game is pretty high, I am very forum active and ingame active.

Hope you enjoy.
Attached Files
#1 0a some ass.rpl (77.0 KB, 2 views)
#1 0a wozeers.rpl (65.8 KB, 2 views)
#1 0a wozeerss.rpl (63.2 KB, 2 views)
#1 0a actually gsC.rpl (411.1 KB, 2 views)
#1 0a wowd.rpl (87.8 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by bubby101; Dec 6, 2016 at 03:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello ladies and gentlefish. It is I Sarcastiq. Lets get riiiiight into this application.

My name is Alex Forlilsaint. I've been wanting to join Obey for a long time but haven't gained the confidence to do so. The reason why I want to join Obey is because I want to share a clan with the most talented and OG players in Toribash. I spend my time on this game in single player so I can better my skills. But on my free time I make dank memes and contemplate with myself on should I get a ice cream cone on the side of my face. My favorite mods are Taekyon, Aikido Big Dojo, and Xspar. Obey is the home to many or my idols including Zack, Hattersin, Xioi, Chazer, and Fred. These guys gave me the motivation to endorse my own style and practice. Here are some trash
Attached Files
[T] Pulsating Spheres.rpl (982.1 KB, 3 views)
[T] Roundoff.rpl (96.5 KB, 2 views)
[T] Collab with Kouta.rpl (191.2 KB, 3 views)
Bitch Dab.rpl (77.2 KB, 3 views)
Hello Obey! (Again)

Although you may already know me as I've already applied once before, my name is Tyler Millar, I'm seventeen,I live in Ontario, Canada, and my time zone is EST, which is GMT - 5, just to get the technical stuff out of the way.

Now for the fun bits!

I've been playing Toribash for a decent amount of time, probably a little over a year and a half, and I fell in love with this game the moment I saw it.(Rest assured that I am indeed decent at the game!)
At first, I played the game just to pass time, to learn how my joints moved, and to have a bit of fun. As time passed, I began to play Toribash more and more, and now i'm playing it religiously! It has now swallowed me whole.

At first, I had no idea about forums or what they were, and my skin stayed bare for a long, long time. Eventually I learned about it, and became active on forums. Along with this, I became aware of clans, and Obey. I've been looking to apply to Obey for about 5 months, but never came around to it until now. I wish to apply simply because Obey has a strong community, and I've met a couple super supportive members (shoutout to Icon and Chazer here) as well as other awesome members, such as Zack, Trestet, and Xioi, although I doubt they remember me.

I've only been in one other clan, and that was Mystic. I was in mystic for about a year, and I left because Mystic died, and it was no longer any use trying to revive a dead clan time after time. Mystic became a clan with no active members, and I just didn't see the point in staying in a dead clan.

My Game Skills
My biggest strengths in this game come from sparring and parkouring for sure. I mainly spar co-operatively, and parkour whenever I get the chance. Those two sports are what I excel at, and I hope you'll find these replays adequate enough to show you that!

Stuff About Me
Just a couple little things about me, cause you asked :P

So as of 3 years ago, I wanted to become an EDM artist. I didn't know what I was doing, where I was going with this musical addiction of mine, or how to achieve it. So after a year and a half of tinkering around with free music programs, I happened upon a program called presonus "studio one 3". I've been working with this DAW for little over 2 years now, and I've come out with some decent stuff. I actually started out using loops and such, but I became acquainted with MIDI, and I now use that to make my songs. i'm currently making three new tracks (maybe i'll release them soon), but in the meantime, feel free to listen to these 4 month old songs and mixtapes
here and here.
I've got many others too, and I'd be delighted if you'd all check them all out!

I'm very into rock climbing, freerunning, and biking IRL, there's not many moments where i'm not on my bike cruising around town. Now that winter has started, I can't bike as much, which means more time for Toribash! I LOVE EDM music, It's basically the only genre I listen to, so most of the time anyone sees me, I'll have my headphones in, either listening to my own WIP's, or some other awesome music.

I partake in martial arts, Kung-Fu, kickboxing, grappling, and wrestling, and in between all of this I find time to get my school work done and play at least 3 hours of toribash every day (And man, do I love Toribash) I'm mostly involved with Kung-Fu though, and I assist in classes to help the kids become better martial artists. There are even a couple time when I'll teach the class myself, and it usually goes pretty well!

And that concludes my app! I hope this is adequate, and I hope to see you in Obey!

I still don't know your policy on alts, so I have one alt which is called Karbn. I play on both accounts, and many of your members will know me as Karbn ( especially Chazer! I've sparred with him a number of times, so he should know me fairly well.) I've included several replays with my alt, just to show you my different styles when playing with both accounts. Hopefully you still accept my application!
All replays label "Karbn and" are from my alternate account.

If you pm me, I'll give you my contacts. The only reason I haven't done so already is because I'd rather not show the whole world my personal Skype account and such. Thanks for understanding if I get denied, please tell me the reason, thanks!
Attached Files
[p] parkour nervau stuff.rpl (367.8 KB, 3 views)
[s] cokepoke and matarika .rpl (436.8 KB, 2 views)
#rooftop parkur wip v2.rpl (578.6 KB, 4 views)
onso_rooftop_spar.tbm (29.4 KB, 3 views)
jisse_just_run.tbm (16.7 KB, 4 views)