The head doesn't look copy pasted, but blurry. (did you blur the pasted image? XD) I think what D0R means about the leg is that you 'mirror' it.
A bit more effects would also be nice.

Overall, 7.5/10. Work on it nice job.
Originally Posted by toritori9 View Post
Could you guys like...Rate this set for me?

First time working on the body

Comes with head too

Looks like you copy and pasted the face, and just erased around it with a soft brush, so it would fade in. The rest of the texture is really simple.
Beginner scale: 7/10 ^.^
The head is decent, as has already been said though, it's rather blurred.

Also, as I mentioned on your auction, I've got the exact brush set that you used for the rest of the textures.

I tend to be the mean one in the ratings, so I'm gonna go with a 5.5/10, due to basic brushwork on the rest of the textures. If you must use brushes like that, I'd suggest adding other things to the texture as well.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
the ice head looks ok, more detail, maybe a crack or shader
i reccomend not scrolling down to far, there might be something unpleasant, randomly selected images
the god
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
A..crack? o.<
More comments please, felloh mobstahs. XP

like a crack in the ice
<3 Toribash!
I'll throw in a comment like the rude bastard I am. Change to blueish joints to match the head plx D:
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