Originally Posted by BogdanZ View Post
i like winged applications
but i guess you must use our template


Age: 19
Where do you live?: Norway, but I'm moving to the US (North Dakota) fall 2011
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: Everything, I'm not efficient enough
Favorite mods: Judo and Wushu for the most part
Why do you want to join?: To learn and to have a group of people to help me and who I can talk to.
where do you live:belguim
what belt are you :black (but i want to teach at the moment rank 153)
where do you want improve: wushu
favorite mod(s):judo (epic in judo)
why i want to join: becuz i want to teach my knowledge and this seems like a pretty good clan and i want al the whole time i play this game join clan bleu cuz this clans epic and if i get denied it was a honor even writing this app
What belt are you?:orange belt in this acc. have a 6th and 2nd dan gifted them XD
Where do you want to improve?: wushu_pro, im tottaly noob in wushu
Favorite mods: aikidobigdojo.tbm :3
Why do you want to join? to improve wushu, get some friends
^what he said

and also jason read this { }
Last edited by Kat; Feb 2, 2011 at 10:15 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
how do i join in man
and how do i post my replys i didn't got it
Last edited by eldarlol; Feb 2, 2011 at 11:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
what belt are you: blue
where do you want to improve : judo and akido
Favorite mods: twin swords
Why do you want to join: all clan members are nice and helpful so i can get better and respect them
Where do you live?(optional):Torquay, Australia
What belt are you?:Black
Where do you want to improve?:alkido
Favorite mods:judo
Why do you want to join?:because i have had many clans and even tried to make my own but they all didnt work out for me and i really like this clan name and i would really like to meet new people in this clan.