Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post

every1 share this it needs to get out tot he public!!! >

What the fucking fucker fuck.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post

every1 share this it needs to get out tot he public!!! >

Am I the only one aroused?
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Originally Posted by ImVeryBlue View Post
Am I the only one aroused?

Looks like it.

My dick hid into my gut out of fear, so I guess I got anti-aroused.
I cri my whole life has been a lie... Video must die.
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Looks like it.

My dick hid into my gut out of fear, so I guess I got anti-aroused.

Mine detached from my body and shipped itself to Canada.
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Mine detached from my body and shipped itself to Canada.
