Originally Posted by Bakugan View Post
you don't have to dislike me, this account was made in 2009, pretty much can't blame me

I was kidding, lol.

I just had an annoying day... I bet I beat all of you... Why are there bad people in this world...
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Lag: Not my job. Until I'm promoted to Mod it's nto my job.

Ninja: That's kinda the point... There's no point of having a rule if it's going to get broken all the time with no consequences.
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
Hmm ok.

One of the core lessons you learn in the marines is discipline.
Not sure what kind of drugs he was using at the time but hanging around a bunch of ass monkeys while boiling in your own poop/fury doesn't count as marines.

Better watch out though kiddo. He might get you.
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
You can moderate all the posts so the leaders don't have to :>
Inb4 inferno & aves bitch.

I would but then half of the clan would end up getting demoted a rank or 2 and it's really not my place to do so.
That's no fun for any of us.
The rest of these clans suck guys. Either they're a bunch of really cool people who are never active or a bunch of dingle dangs who don't know what they're talking about.
Looks like I have nowhere to go. :<
Ermmm okay sorry. I see everyone post less then two sentence sometimes just a word. I read over the rules If I had 2 sentences to type I would.

You guys are my heros.

Also, this has been more than 2 sentences.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again