I don't really get the term so what does "meh" mean ? Ok,shitty,too hard,too easy,fucking fabolous go for it right away omg such a good idea ?
Edit: "The dictionary defines "meh" as an expression of indifference or boredom, or an adjective meaning mediocre or boring. Examples given by the dictionary include "the Canadian election was so meh."" I get it now !

Well,still better than a bus driver, i guess ,hah.
Last edited by XmiechoX; Nov 21, 2013 at 08:03 PM.
I'm [Addicted]
Man, for some reason I'd love to see Beznick come back, still own everyone in this and then disappear for a couple of years again, haha.
Heh. Toribash. Hahaha. Oh god.

Anyway, I'm sick again. Probably cold or maybe flu. Life's shit.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Life's shit, that describes it at the moment.
I'm having problems with huge depression.
I just can't find the way out of this what drives me crazy. Anyone had this problem anytime?

I'm so glad that it's weekend soon
I'm always in more or less depressive state lol. I don't have any advice about it for ya tho. I dunno, get drunk or shit. It doesn't help much but whatever. I also practice hating.

Just become dark and edgy and make sure you don't have sharp objects on you when somebody says "heyyyyyyyy cheer up broooooo".

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Ahhhhh, I'm semi panicing atm. Have to get this program done till Tuesday and can't seem to figure out anything. Might just be that I haven't eaten anything today and I need food to think, haha. Too bad the other guys in my group aren't doing anything... Oh well, gotta pull an all-nighter I guess.

Also ye, dealt with Depression a lot the past years. Drinking can help, never did for me tho. Only made it worse most of the time. I guess focusing on something completely different that is mostly happy helped me quite a lot. I got into Kpop and that's all like rainbows n shit like that, haha. Seriously tho, it really helped me just not think about it anymore. The only times it actually comes back is when I sit around at 3am with nothing to do. Or when I'm stressing myself way too much because of something and I panic n stuff. Depression is really weird idk. For me it came with, or thanks to, social anxiety and I now that I know that it's a bit easier to deal with the whole thing.

I have no fucking clue what I'm writing anymore, guess coding destroyed my brain for today, haha.
I'm slowly hoarding a fuckhuge pile of stuff to study, learn, memorize and assignments to do but I can't seem to motivate myself to do it. Idk. I'm blaming the cold for now, it makes me feel horribly tired*. Maybe tommorow I'll do some shit. I've got time between classes. I hope I will do some shit.

And talking of depression, my streaks are mostly small and harmless, I tend to ignore them and just lelsad through the week or something. I guess I owe it to the death/doom/black metal vibe.
A new era of unrelenting woe, Imprisoned within my caustic flesh
and shit. It's such a poetic inspiration, I should totally start writing poems or dramas or whatever.

*not tired enough to stop playing cs:go I grabbed from steam sales though.
Last edited by JtanK; Dec 1, 2013 at 09:12 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
K, done with most of the shit, not panicing anymore... Phew!

I got a lot of stuff coming up. I'm moving soon and like right after I have exams so that's gonna be fun... Hope I can actually do it!

I also tend to write a lot of shit when I'm depressed. Like I wrote some pretty decent lyrics n kinda "I hate the world, fuck you all" poems. I'm usually kinda happy when it's autumn/winter because I always have this like base level of depression that actually kinda inspires me, haha.

Also yeah, kinda started playing some CS:GO again today. I gotta say, kinda missed CS, haha.
Well, it maybe sounds a bit dramatic. I wouldn't do anything stupid. The last time was quite hard and I got depression because of the fear of an unknown future, a girl that can't response with the same love and problems at my job (yearly military heal test's failed at first because of depression). It all came together at once.
Drinking alcohol never helps. More like the opposite, it causes more negative things after all. Music helped me quite well. A good old song or some hard rock metal can help you surely. Like the old linkin Park songs. The Album'llive in Texas' gave me the feeling to 'share the pain' since I was 13 or something. And it always brings me back to the thought that there are so many people with real problems that cannot be solved..