This is my third application

This is my third application, because I had some mistakes in the application. I'm going to continue to try to join because I don't give up that quickly. Enjoy.

Who am I (In real life)

My name is Cameron Jenkins, I am 14 years old and my birthday
is 12/21/2001(December 21, 2001). This year is my first year of high school, and I loving high school because I made a lot of new friends and its fun. The first weeks in school, my grades is two A's, three B's and one C. On my weekends, I would go to my aunt house because I want to spend some time with my cousins and play games with them. I was away from them for a long time, so I always ask to go there, so I can bring back the good old times we had, so they can feel better. On school days, I would do my work kinda quickly because I want to read my books and go to lunch because your boi be hungry. When I get from school, I would do my homework and sleep for 2-3 hours. Then I would check on my family if they all right and then play Toribash. Some days I will go to my granny house so I can help her in her house because so won't be able to walk for a while because of her hip.

Who I am (In Toribash)

My name is Jencam13, but I want to take off the "13" because people think there is 13 of me. The reason why I started to play Toribash is because a famous youtuber played this game once, so I started to play this game, so I can fight him but he stop playing after that one video. But now I'm playing this game almost a year. The mods I like to play is Greykido, rb Greykido, Boxshu Mushu, Mushu, Wushu, rk mma, tk, Aikdo, and AkidoBigDojo. The rooms you will mostly see me in is Boxshu Mushu( Public5 and PublicMushu). I am that type of Aikdo player that would snap kick and sometimes I would be very focus and slap the opponent head off. Sometimes I would teach people my moves or how to save themselves in boxshu and aikdo. I do some spars and parkour but I am kinda rusty tho because I took a three month break and i'm not taking now more breaks now on. Also I was slapping people heads off quickly back then.

The reason why I want to join Obey
The reason why I want to join because I believe that Obey
can make a better person out of me and I want to make Obey bigger and better than before.The people that I know from Obey is Trestet, Icon, Frost, Grim, and Hattersin. These people is inspiration to me. I would like to be beside them, be members with them, to be a family with them. I want to help everyone in wars and donate tc in you all need some(if I have the amount you all need tho). So that's the reason why I want to join Obey.

Other things to say.
I do use Skype and Discord. My skype name is
That Boy Jencam13 and my Discord is Jencam#0611.
My Gmt is Central Time. The replays will be down below.
I hope you all Enjoy this Application and everyone have a bless day.

The End
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Parkour for Class.rpl (202.9 KB, 4 views)
Tired of it.rpl (44.2 KB, 4 views)
Pronesss.rpl (57.7 KB, 3 views)
The Best one.rpl (132.0 KB, 4 views)
wowowowowoowowow.rpl (85.3 KB, 5 views)
I'm Back trash#1234
This is my Application!
*Enters Stage* Hello! fellow toribashers =3. My name is lickerlint or licker if you please. Where to start, how about the founding of my particular name. I founded this name the day I saw my dog trying to literally eat/lick a ball of lint so I went with this. Not that interesting but hey now you know. Lets see...OH i'm seventeen and I believe my GMT is -5. Would be horrible if that is wrong haha. Anyways back to the main reason why I am typing all of this, I wish to be in your clan! I do have some strengths (Although my leap of absence has rendered me a little rusty) one being Striking, i'm pretty good at most striking mods such as ---Mushu---Wushu---rkmma---LightningLenshu---and I guess Judo is considered a striking mod/Grappling. I have mid range experience in ABD from when I was in WAPOW mostly. Do not fret I plan on trying to strengthen that particular skill as well. I have never really been a competitive person I really like just playing the game and having fun with some friends ya know. I use to do a little bit of sparring and parkour (Wasn't that good at it) i'll show some replays of both haha. Hmmm lets talk about IRL, I played baseball and basket ball both freshman and sophomore years, both of which where EXTREMELY fun i'd have to say. I tried football one year but I am kind of small and I didn't do so well, I believe I played Corner or something like so. For basketball I was a SG (shooting guard) and baseball I was in a few positions. I have a great GF she's amazing! Thought I would throw that in there I'm very active I get on every day or night depends on what i'm doing but I do get on. Activity is balanced between forums and in-game (maybe a bit more on forums). Some other information you might wanna know is that I am a extreme Anime fan. My motto is do not hate but appreciate! I love Naruto ok there I said it. It's a great show =.= Probably want to know why I left WAPOW is because when I joined back from taking a break there where a set of leaders I wasn't not liking at the time, Not you Flamsy boy I luv you <3 But yeah that is why I left. I want to join this clan to make some new friends on the toribash community and have loads of fun!! Thank you for taking the time to read this I appreciate it <3
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FuckedUp.rpl (21.9 KB, 2 views)
My punch wins.rpl (38.3 KB, 4 views)
Wushu skills.rpl (76.4 KB, 3 views)
spar with fox.rpl (433.3 KB, 3 views)
parkour epicness.rpl (497.7 KB, 3 views)
Darkness teaches you to appreciate the Light!
Hey guys it's Vordred. I decided to try out for you guys because I'm clanless right now. I haven't been on Toribash for a while but looking to get back into it.
I'm 17, GMT 0 (UK). I used to play quite a bit though and was in this clan for about 8 months before I left to make my own clan, Aether. It's been 4 years since then, I've left Aether because almost no one from the old times is around and it's inactive as fuck.
Back when I played, I was a decent player. Aether wasn't as ingame active as Obey but we participated in clan events such as the clan league tourneys and we did clan wars sometimes. I don't have any replays to show since I haven't played for over half a year but I asked Hattersin and he said he was ok with me applying without them for this instance. Mods I enjoyed were aikido and lenshu. I used to be in Team Aikido, OoT, ORMO and CT if that means anything (some of those orgs probably don't exist any more). Some of the other clans I've been in: PSY, Hunters, duck, raku, Obey and my own Aether which lasted about 3 years before it got inactive as fuck. Back when I was in Obey, I was pretty forum active ( so I usually am active on forum.

Since I left, Obey's changed a lot but there's still a few people here I talk to/know (Hattersin, WorldEater, 2WC, Plata, Tyzo, Fred and Xioi from my Aether time) and this is the main reason so I wanted to apply here. Also seems like a pretty chill clan which is good. I can't promise I'll be active all that much I'll certianly post around.

Nothing else to add apart from if you want to contact me, my skype is vipertech6 though I don't have a discord yet. Thanks.
Last edited by Vordred; Nov 4, 2016 at 08:36 PM.
Ayyy hey guys what’s up?~

Hello, my name is Arjan! I’m 17 years old, born on Dec 19th. My GMT is 0 as I live in Birmingham, England. I currently go to college, it’s my 2nd year and I am studying, Accounting, Business and AS Mathematics, out of the 3 I think my best subjest has to be AS Mathematics. In my spare time, during free periods, lunch or break I visit 4chan and Reddit (9gag is for pussies ;P) to get my daily dose of memes and cancer(/b/ you did this to me)

Let’s get into the actual app shall we? I applied here 3 years ago and I'm back to give this another go, I am quite rusty (took a short break), if I’m honest but that doesn’t stop me from trying my best to win. I like to play Quick Akido, ABD, Lenshu, ErthTk and Boxshu/Wushu.

I am inspired to get better at sparring and parkour, I watch people ingame, and try to get an idea of how they move and I test things out in single player, to get a better idea of things. I’ve been watching Fred and Joope play particularly, and some times we end up talking about League, which is the only other game I am playing currently. I am applying to Obey because of the authentic atmosphere you guys have within your family, and it is pretty much the best family I’ve seen. I’ve been in contact with Zazo(Tyzo) for how long, and if you’re all as cool as him then I want in! (if you’re cooler, that's even better... I won’t tell Tyzo ;))

By now you must be wondering what were my past clans, don’t worry I was just about to list them (I might miss some out because I can’t remember them all) ; NAO(before it was official), (Bomb), (VoT), (Godly), Wapow, Aether, (AOG). The Aogiri Tree, is the most recent clan, I was dropped from the roster because I called them weebs, as a joke. So yeah that's that.

The main reason I chose Obey is because of the genuine feel I get from each of you, and this is the very reason why your clan has the most talented members out of the community, in my opinion. I admire your competitive drive and the laid back attitude at the same time, which is why I feel that I will fit in just fine. I’ve spoken to a few of the members here and there already, and I assume you’re all just as friendly as each other. oh I nearly forgot to mention that, I would certainly love to get in on some of your top tier memes.
Tyzo and Trestet both have my Skype, and I’ve joined your Discord server.

My apologies as I do not have any replays to show for, because I haven’t made/saved any.

Other than that, I hope you have enjoyed reading my app and I would appreciate the up votes!
Last edited by NimbleThief; Nov 4, 2016 at 09:18 PM.
Name luis/cookielu
Age 20
Replays none
Competitive game modes aikidobigdojo,boxshu
Some general stuff about yourself am a decint player who loves to talk and play with new people i get along really good with every body i have school
so am always on for at least a 4 hours a day and have loved obey for months
am black belt but am more like a 3th dan black belt with my skill
My name is beats00(ingame) my real name is Velluti. Im 17 years old and have been playing toribash for 2 years (i had lost my previous account since i forgot to put a email :P). My GMT is +1 Italy. My most competitive game modes are aikido, abd, ninjutsu and Boxshu. Some things about me which i think you should know. at the moment i am world rank 16 in fencing (real life) currently in september i had placed rank 7 in the world championships. I am active a lot, and also my senpai is fred XDD. I have already been tested by Icon and passed. And also i am black belt.

Hello Obey clan this is my application, again whether I get denied or accepted.
Thank you for taking the time to consider and take a look at my app.

Well My name is Nathan although friends, family, and even teachers call me by My nick name Spixe (Pronounced Spix).
I am a 13 year old ManBearWolf that loves to play Toribash. I mostly play games because, like eating it makes me happy.
I spend most of my time on Toribash helpin out on IRC, Scrollin through forums, hosting events, and making tutorials.
My other spare time is spend playing Basketball, Graphic Designing(making banners etc...), and creating things from orgs to websites to anything fun I can do.
As far as my school I am in 8th grade and take excelled Math, Science, History, English.
While also taking excelled Spanish and CAD design classes.
Some other things I love is watching YouTube (mainly gaming channels) making youtube videos and eating Popeyes.

In game Skills
Well some of my favorite game modes include Greykido, Aikido, AikidoBigDojo, Taekkyon, erthtkV2, and pretty much any aikido variations.
I am a black belt with a couple of alts that are from one 3rd dan acccount to my custom belt account. I have chosen this account for my main
for the basic fact of the name x). I have over 800 hours played on this game not even including how much I played before the steam version.
I usually just streak in betting servers and win Tournaments. I am also decent at Sparring, Uke bashing, and parkouring.

Why I chose this clan?
Well I chose this clan to hopefully become a bigger part of the [Obey] Community. This clan has always been amazing community wise and
has been a home to so many legends. I am also looking for a more permanent clan that I can stay while having a great time.
I also have a few friends in this clan like Trestet, and also talked to a couple other people like gentleman, Zack, and sighs.
This is an all around great clan that I think I could fit in just nicely with.

Toribash History
Well I have been playing this game for about 5-6 years and have been a very active member throughout the forums and in game for a while now.
I host events, and betting servers whenever I can. I have a whole series of tutorials on Toribash Forums Up on my channel. I also make tutorials
for people on the forums (Video Tuts | Forum Tut)

Final Statements
Well that was my application, hopefully interesting enough. I also hope you take into consideration what I might be able to bring to this clan.
I will try to leave contacts examples of my art etc... throughout my application. Welp hope to see you all as new clan mates soon.

Skype: Spixe/Nathan
Gmt/Utc: -4 UTC.