Sorry mate, but if you still would like to join you're free to reapply[/QUOTE]

can i re-apply with the same app )":
Originally Posted by Kirinoi View Post
Sorry mate, but if you still would like to join you're free to reapply
can i re-apply with the same app )":

Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Name: Logan Burden
Age: 12
aikido, ABD, mushu and greykido.
Attached Files
HackSack grade c.rpl (1.15 MB, 2 views)
hack sack.rpl (589.8 KB, 2 views)
to be or not to be.rpl (80.0 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by loganwburd; Oct 25, 2016 at 04:17 AM. Reason: Forgot replay
Hello Obey members,
My names Malaki or Faded or Omega whatever you want to call me.
I’m 15 currently in the 10th grade. I live in Wisconsin one of the weirdest places to in the USA
I enjoy School a lot you might not get that from what you say ingame I’m competitive in everything. But I mostly stay in Abd rooms because thats what I’m decent at.
I know I get banned a lot for being stupid but I haven't been banned in ages I’ve been hanging around Obey Members a bit and I like it it’s a nice change from my normal troll like friends I enjoy being around you guys Gentleman jedi Treset Graby. srry for taking your tc gentle

I go to fondy high a school of like 3,000 kids it’s quite fun being around people that trash talk and get into fights often... When I was younger I always wanted to be in TGS or Obey and now that I’ve been in TGS I want to be in Obey because I made one of my wishes come true. Why can’t I make the other one come true : ^ ). I’m not looking to just join obey and leave after a few weeks I’m looking forward to joining and helping in the effort to replace WAPOW as number 1 clan. I’m trying to make this long and interesting but my life’s boring. I get hurt a lot because I play sports not for like a team or anything but for fun with friends no pain no gain.
Sincerely Malaki,
Last edited by Malaki; Oct 25, 2016 at 04:18 AM. Reason: fuck ur rules
Originally Posted by loganwburd View Post
Name: Logan Burden
Age: 12
aikido, ABD, mushu and greykido.

He's a keeper.
Originally Posted by loganwburd View Post
Name: Logan Burden
Age: 12
aikido, ABD, mushu and greykido.

Sorry big man, you've been denied.

Malaki we'll chat about your application in the board.
Last edited by Hattersin; Oct 26, 2016 at 07:13 PM. Reason: a fatal grammatical error was neutralised
My name is Cameron Jenkins. I am 14 years old, about to turn 15 in a few months and my GMT is +1. The game modes I be on will be Boxshu Mushu, Mushu, Wushu, Lenshu3ng, GreyKido, AkidoBigDojo, and Judo. The things i like to do in my spar is to spend time with family and friends. I go to highschool, so I won't be able to play for hours(8:05am-4:00pm).
Sometimes, I like to sit out side to look at the sunset, then go back inside and play games.
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The Best one.rpl (132.0 KB, 3 views)
Proness.rpl (166.5 KB, 2 views)
Shit i dont know.rpl (139.7 KB, 3 views)
I'm Back trash#1234
what's up

Normally when I see "free-form," I don't write out a wall of text. This is my version of a free-form application.
If you want me to write some shitty lookin' wall o' text, I'm up for that, just tell me.

Who am I?

Well, I'm Jaxon, or Jax, if you're like most people and don't like adding on the two extra letters, which I'm alright with. I used to play a shit ton of Toribash and got relatively good at just about everything but art. I marketed for awhile, I made replays until I was alright at it, I hosted a few tournaments and bet servers here and there, and I'm still pretty decent at most competitive mods. I mostly play Aikido, and am in Team Aikido as a Council Member (I think anyways. Not sure what's up with that situation), but I also play things like mushu, wushu, taekkyon, ninjutsu, rk-mma, parkour, sparring, just about any mod really. I've made a few clans in my time playing Toribash as well. (God)/(Godly) is the only clan I consider to be successful out of the clans I made. It started when I was a blue belt, and it died when I was 2nd Dan. I restarted it once, renaming it to (God) in the process, but that didn't last very long. It's difficult getting active members. Other than (God), I made (Dr) which ended up merging with [Ascend], and two other complete failures for clans.

Besides the clans I've made, I've also been in a number of other clans, and I won't lie, I used to be a clan hopper. I would jump from clan to clan, trying to get into the higher ranked ones, which was rather idiotic to be honest. I can't remember many of them, but I can assure you that I don't hop clans anymore. The most recent one I've been in was (FC), which I was only in for a short time, but I managed to reach the Co-Leader position, and make a pretty good discord for them. Long story short, I didn't like how ZENBOY led the clan, so I left. After I left, he left, resulting in the death of that clan. I think he relied on me a bit too much.

After leaving (FC), all I really do is just casually play now.

Who am I?

In real life, I still go by Jaxon as that is my real name. I am 14, and a freshman in high school. I'm not the most social of kids, but it's not like I'm a mute. I'd consider myself reasonably intelligent, and my grades show it. Typically it's A's in B's, but if I actually studied more like I should, and stopped playing video games so often, I'd probably never get a B. I live in Maroa, IL, and my timezone is central. Other than that, there isn't much for me to tell you. I'm just a normal kid. Unless you want me to tell you a story about my childhood, this paragraph is over.

Why do I want to join?

Why does anyone want to join [Obey]? For the tag of course!

I'm joking. The tag is rather great, and if I make it in, I'll love sporting it ingame, but that isn't my reason for wanting to join [Obey]. I want to join because, quite frankly, I'm sick of clans that don't last. My first clan (Godly) died due to inactivity. [Crooks], a clan I have a lot of good memories in died temporarily and can still be considered rather inactive. (FC) relied very heavily on me helping lead it, and due to the clan being inactive, and me disagreeing with the leader, I left, resulting in its death.

I just want to join something that I don't have to worry about dying and also enjoy being in. I don't know many of you well, but that won't stop me from getting to know you.

Having powerful allies rather than being clanless when clan events roll around would also be pretty great. I don't think I've ever participated in a clan event to be honest, and I want to be able to do that eventually.

In short, you guys are awesome, and that's why I want to join.

Other Stuff

I do not currently have skype. I dislike it because it's laggy and calls end randomly, which is rather annoying. I have no problem with getting it again if it is necessary, but I would much rather use something like Discord or possibly Teamspeak 3.

I also play on Xbox One pretty often, so if I'm not on Toribash, I might be on there. I'm not one of those people who only plays with family and friends on their console (which is weird by the way), so if you want to add me and play some Overwatch or Battlefield One, I'm down.


I don't save replays very often, so I'll just give you some recent competitive matches some older spars.
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multiplayer - fluid rk-mma.rpl (69.1 KB, 3 views)
roasted.rpl (82.5 KB, 3 views)
turnover.rpl (41.1 KB, 3 views)
i tried tricking mum.rpl (872.7 KB, 2 views)
shortest spar evar.rpl (218.9 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Jaxon; Feb 3, 2018 at 05:20 AM. Reason: this is now an example for (x)'s thread, i've removed some things, seeing as I was 14 at the time of applying