I might imgur them once I'm out of work or you can simply copy fb photolinks and paste them here (97 photos, lel).
"Pilgrim has send you a request" on facebook

Nice, you were on a festival. Going to the highfield festival this thursday! Our clan knows how to rock life
So, uh, how's it going?

I'm starting studying at the university in around a month. Currently looking for a flat to rent in Cracow. And I'm getting myself a new laptop sometime soon. Hmm, what else? I'm re-learning how to drive because I haven't driven for like 4 months straight after getting my driver's license, and now I'm having moderate problems when parking in tricky situations, lol. But I'm already improving, it's not that bad anymore.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Uni starts October 1st for me although I might take some pre-semester math class cause I'm not sure if I can keep up from the start, haha. Other than that, 5 minutes walk to the Uni from where I live so that's pretty chill I guess.

Gl with finding a flat and getting dem driving skills back btw.
Damn, living so close, it's such a convenience. I'm having slight trouble finding a flat, and I haven't been accepted to the student houses next to the university (loltoorich). By the way, there's a relatively large possibility that I will share flat/room/lair with Scorpio, that faeg from CW.

Uni starts october 1st for me as well. I'll need to move to Cracow a few days before. I *might* revise some maths/physics to make sure my brain will be actually working at the uni, but nothing more than that.

And my driving skills are coming back, although very slowly (and they haven't ever been good anyway). Driving backwards is slowly becoming possible for me again, and my parking positions changed from "feared and forewarned apocalypse" to "average driving-related nightmare". My dad's tutoring me, and I'm trying to drive as often as possible.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I'm on a 2 week holiday currently. Uni is all good fun. I've moved house for the 3rd time in 2 years though so everything is a bit lost right now. I've started using a bike instead of a car too, it's better on the budget. Although car drivers become blind to my existance. :L
Right now I'm trying to pass my driver's license test (which is fucking retarded in Poland) and I can't describe how much I hate bicycle riders on roads. They are forced by law to ride on streets but they got no fucking clue how to do it.
hey are forced by law to ride on streets but they got no fucking clue how to do it.

It's probably what other car drivers think about you in your car, and it's certainly what other drivers think about me. Lol.

Also, failed to get a flat together with Scorpio, we'll now try to find shit on our own. Tommorow I'm AGAIN going to Cracow to try and get myself a room.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos