The opener was kinda slow. In fact most of that spar was pretty slow.
Slowness aside, the starter was pretty good, though the punches after looked pretty
weak. the combo looked nice though, and the transition to the sweep kick and
the kick itself was coo. The kick to/for Chazer's ko was weak though, but it still looked
nice despite that. The movement after that looked rather smooth, and the ko was pretty
cool. Sorry, but there's not much to comment on besides that. overall it was a good spar,
just work on your speed and whatnot. would have been a lot better if you had sped

Not too much to comment on, cuz its so short lol.
the run looked a little goofy, but the sweep kick to the punch looked really nice. the
transition was great. The twist and sweep kick would have looked great as well I'm sure,
had it been finished. srs sorry that your cnc is so short, maybe post a longer spar next

Alrighty, now for my spar, lol. I always feel like I spar the best with Gotkicks, and I feel
like I owed him an actually good spar for once, since the last time I was pretty bad.
the spar is incomplete due to him *ragequitting* having to leave, so yeah. I hope I didn't
screw you over too bad gotkicks, still looking forward to sparring you and such.
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Spar with Gotkicks2.rpl (357.7 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by jisse; Jan 19, 2013 at 10:58 AM.
wow that
Idk how to c&c good but just gonna say what I think


Idk if there was anything wrong with your replay

Fluid, aggresive

But kinda weird how you both relaxed all at the same time * Just My thought*
I liked the spin kick you did though, The spins themselves and how you landed them, Was very good looking to me
I give it a 9/10
Next replay
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Sprytryne vs Lushsmoke.rpl (507.2 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by Lushsmoke; Jan 21, 2013 at 05:16 AM.
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nice replay lush. you had nice flow through out most of it and did some pretty nice moves. the one thing i think was lacking was hits. you barely hit him throughout the spar. but it was very good indeed.
heres a spar i did with flunked.
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spar with flunked1.rpl (561.2 KB, 6 views)
Get me mah juice Bitch.
Your flow was nice, I think you should have holden your neck so it would not just flop, I think you could have done a better pose

NearlyDead Moderated Message:
I understand that this was posted a while ago, but you need to give more criticism
in the future.
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Last edited by Nearly; Feb 2, 2013 at 01:22 AM.
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I diddnt have the mod :/

but off what i saw
you had some verry nice flow
maybie some twitch at one moment
but still nicely done

the ending punch was great

sorry for short cnc
couldent say ennything more
bcuz i diddnt have tha mod

A new spar i did with Hattersin
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Spar vs Hatt.rpl (666.7 KB, 12 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Spar vs Hatt

You had nice flow during the spar, i liked that, your jump over hattersin i enjoyed that alot. Your realism is you and hattersin needs to work on. There was that first toe jump in there that i wasn't to sure about. I didnt notice but one or two twitches from you.

Hattersin, what you should work on is your realism (as stated in last paragraph), your flow, and twitching. I know what you tried to do but I think you used your hands in ways that were unnatural. But i think you did a good job in the spar as well.

Nice job to you two 7/10, both should work on you guy's realism and twitching.

Here is my unfinished spar with Newbutterz.
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Rawber & butterz.rpl (616.4 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Dobby; Feb 4, 2013 at 01:00 AM.