There's no lighting per se :P all GI, only use lights for certain things like shadows and highlights (which aren't that important). I'm not making these to be totally perfect, these are for a far less high-horse forum when it comes to art. I'm competing with google here, come on...


Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
Bawwwwww I made a sword

I think that adding a small stripe of an less reflective material along the edge/blade would solve this problem, you know, the actually sharpened part of the sword.
Did you enable a max. angle for the phong shading btw?

Originally Posted by Deridor View Post


Proportions of guard/handle don't seem right to me. Is it one-handed? Or 2-handed?
Grip could use more detail/structure in comparison to the guard anyway

Originally Posted by Deridor View Post

Stylish, really. The purple part might be a bit too thin to be stable enough, but I can't really judge that.

Gj guys
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Wiirus, Like these?

pic #1

Pic #2

Pic #3

They any better?

Here's what I did.
I added subsurface scattering for smoothness. This resulted in a ugly end of handle, so I added a stopper there. Subsurface scattering also made that connector piece between blade and handle look fugly, so I sculpted and edited it into that shape.
And changed the materials a bit.
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Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post
Wiirus, Like these?

They any better?

Here's what I did.
I added subsurface scattering for smoothness. This resulted in a ugly end of handle, so I added a stopper there. Subsurface scattering also made that connector piece between blade and handle look fugly, so I sculpted and edited it into that shape.
And changed the materials a bit.

Uuuh, SSS is usually used for surfaces like Milk, wax or the human skin which show a certain transparency/translucency. But I guess that's fine if it works here.
The guard seems to have some weird smoothed geometry parts where it's squished a bit.

Lemme post it:


But nice work nonetheless, I forgot to say
Last edited by wiirus; Jul 6, 2012 at 04:28 PM.
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The swords looks great deridor, tho overly simplified. Try to make one where you have to step outside your comfort zone :P
Originally Posted by wiirus View Post
Proportions of guard/handle don't seem right to me. Is it one-handed? Or 2-handed?
Grip could use more detail/structure in comparison to the guard anyway

It's meant to be a wakizashi, so yes one handed. I make my blades roughly to scale in blender (1 BU=1 inch), but scaling gets all fudged up when I toss them in c4d, where I usually make the handles (boole ftw XD). I'll likely do some more complicated swords in the future, but these are meant as fanart in a way for an anime, so complexity isn't a big deal. also, the guard is just a star with some fancy inwards extrusion :P.

To make handles (most recently anyways, the way I made the handles for both swords above) is to make 2 cylinders via extrude nurbs at the base of the guard and set them as roughly to scale as possible. I make one larger radially and give it a black leather material (unless asked otherwise, though I have yet to need to use a different mat). I then take a cube, scale it down to a decent size, rotate it 45 degrees relative to the blade, and stretch 4 vertices so it is more of a diamond shape. Then I simply copy and place it along the handle before tossing it into a boole with the larger handle cylinder. I make sure to give the "core" of the handle a nice material too :P. For the purple sword above, I gave the core the same slightly reflective slightly luminant material you see on the guard (which is different from the center of the blade, which has a gradient to affect its brightness, it's brighter in luminancy towards the tip, which makes it a bit closer to a pink than the original color, (153/50/255).

TL;DR=fuck you

I think maybe you guys are making the sword to "fat", or the angle to the edge to extreme. Maybe this will explain it better:
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body