Hrmm? What do you mean by, "the shadows?"

Do you guys think that I should make that head into set? Cause I've had some pretty nice ideas...
Last edited by CurlyJefferson; Jul 15, 2010 at 02:53 AM.
I wouldn't add shadows, dodge/burn usually turns it ugly when you do tribal textures. Stick with the pen/path tool, and add darker tones of blue. The arrow thing for eyes (the visor thing) is overused, and looks alot like Doxxy's one. Make a set, do it.
OK, so no more Visor doxxy mask thing. Ok, I'll try making it into a set.

Ok, since my computer's been down, I've been at my other computer that didn't have the templates. Sooo... I made a new head WITHOUT the Doxxy visor thing. Here it is!

C&C please

And a Avvy I made for bcool147
Last edited by CurlyJefferson; Jul 21, 2010 at 05:18 AM.
That's pretty awesome, but I can see a little bit of gray coming out of the sides on the top left. Also, I don't know if this has ever been done, but I think adding a small drop shadow behind the card could make it look more card-ish.