You are verrry mean.
Good person, but mean.
I could never be harsh so someone unless they bring it on to themselves.
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
I'm a nice person, but I'm good at being a cold bastard when I need to. I'm not mean.

You a bad bitch, homie.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
I'm so glad we're friends Lars.

Because you would stomp on my heart.... so.. hard...

That's why you wear armour silly...

Or you know, just don't annoy Lars I guess. Unless your going for the whole "Mortal Kombat" thing, then you know... let the heart stomping commence.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Yeah, because every time I have flinged my "last" insult at someone, a voice in my head goes "FINISH HIM!". So I just have to fling a LAST "last" insult to get the "FATALITY".
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post
Heart stomping you say. Ooo that turns me on.

See now that's the type of thing that I get concerned about... That's not in any way normal. Actually, I'm a little scared...
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
It's funny, because Lars never turns down a good fatality.

I think people in this clan have a special anti-heart stomping veil over them that Lars respects.