Nice shop.

I do community work for my school on a Wednesday. (We have a choice of lots of activities but I chose community action because it doesn't require me to go outside much but isn't just lazing around not doing anything. The other options include CCF (military training stuff), conservation (chopping down trees and feeding pigs and stuff) and terriers (people too lazy to do military stuff or conservation and who cook and stuff). I teach kids at a local school English. We teach kids of a couple different age groups (just one age group per week) including guys just 1 year below me. We tend to get 3 or 4 kids each on our table.

I can't help but get the feeling I am not really qualified to teach them. Trying to teach people a year younger than Macbeth. I have never read or studied Macbeth...
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Nice shop.

I do community work for my school on a Wednesday. (We have a choice of lots of activities but I chose community action because it doesn't require me to go outside much but isn't just lazing around not doing anything. The other options include CCF (military training stuff), conservation (chopping down trees and feeding pigs and stuff) and terriers (people too lazy to do military stuff or conservation and who cook and stuff). I teach kids at a local school English. We teach kids of a couple different age groups (just one age group per week) including guys just 1 year below me. We tend to get 3 or 4 kids each on our table.

I can't help but get the feeling I am not really qualified to teach them. Trying to teach people a year younger than Macbeth. I have never read or studied Macbeth...

Hang in there. Teaching is hard only if you're as smart or dumber than the learners.

I did teaching stuffs:
I was in martial arts. I was teaching people before I got my black belt. I became an associate instructor dude and had to help correct de'm black belts at times. It wasn't fun, but you shouldn't even worry too much if you're at least a bit more adept than your students. :P (some of them were 2 years older than me) I did my best never to contradict them. At the time, black belts obviously knew more than me, but sometimes they didn't notice something was wrong with there movements or form, etc.

Also Zelda, don't fret dawg ;O Find a way to go with he flow
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Which martial art?

Also, everyone welcome our new member, zwouter. You've probably seen him post around or in game before -really solid fella. Make him feel welcome.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Which martial art?

Also, everyone welcome our new member, zwouter. You've probably seen him post around or in game before -really solid fella. Make him feel welcome.

Welcome zwouter! Looking forward to you here and stuff.

Tang Soo Do, Ele

Korean martial arts
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Noice. I did Karate for a year or two when I was 8 or 9. Got to orange belt - didn't really like it that much, I wanted to play soccer instead, so I quit. Now though, I'm looking at saving enough money to take some BJJ classes. It's either that or start playing soccer again - just want to be more sporty again.
Zeh...Zehwooter. You...had better *hic* brought some buze wiiithhh you. Becuz aye... I need moor.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Noice. I did Karate for a year or two when I was 8 or 9. Got to orange belt - didn't really like it that much, I wanted to play soccer instead, so I quit. Now though, I'm looking at saving enough money to take some BJJ classes. It's either that or start playing soccer again - just want to be more sporty again.

BJJ is very good. Ground movement styles and stuff like that are so much more useful than striking styles because you can gain endurance, style, and form at a better rate because of the effort needed to put into it. It also trumps in fighting because of those reasons aswell as the fact you're in a more dire situation on the ground. Also, who said BJJ users don't strike? Other people who take striking styles usually can't wrestle worth of shit.

I do recommend this. Martial arts helps peoples discipline in creating good habits for one's self. Try it dood
Last edited by Link; Mar 6, 2015 at 11:51 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Hello, I thought it would be nice to provide you people with some nice music you can listen to while reading through all these posts.
I hope you find as much joy in it as I do.

Struggle For Pleasure - Wim Mertens (Good Audio Quality!)

Last edited by IIInsanEEE; May 4, 2015 at 05:46 PM.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Hello, I thought it would be nice to provide you people with some nice music you can listen to while reading through all these posts.
I hope you find as much joy in it as I do.

Struggle For Pleasure - Wim Mertens (Good Audio Quality!)

Rofl I'm listing to "my chick bad" when I read these posts so I don't feel obligated to them. That music makes me feel guilty.
Last edited by IIInsanEEE; May 4, 2015 at 05:46 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.