There's a hostage situation in my neighbors house and there are swat people in my lawn ask me anything
oh yeah
idk most of them were girls
my house is on the news :o
Last edited by VIDEOGAMES; May 8, 2018 at 06:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh yeah
i made a minesweeper skin

discuss how bad i am at making small numbers

i'm also making (but am not done making) a second one that's rather more complex and annoying to make

discuss how irritatingly difficult it is to read the numbers that the small gems form
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
It's good I really like the first one

Second one looks kewl too but it's a bit hard on the eyes. I think you should reconsider the unmarked tiles, them having their own very distinct texture makes the field a bit messy. I'd remove the little pit they have in them and just keep the subtle background cracks

Also feel like the 'flag' texture is a bit over the top, it's very dominant and draws a bit too much attention

its good