Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
Who here has heard about all the Hostages being held in a cafe in center Sydney?

Ive been watching live footage all day, and this is some scarey shit.

I've been keeping up with it.

15 hours in and only 5 hostages have been let go. All other hostages are lined up against the windows so the police can not shoot through. Human sheilds.

This scum will get whats coming. Just sickening.
ES Member | [a] Adventure
Hoping the remaining hostages hold out. If all goes well, they're all gonna be released once their captor realizes that he's on the losing end of a war of attrition.

Also, yo Inq.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Hoping the remaining hostages hold out. If all goes well, they're all gonna be released once their captor realizes that he's on the losing end of a war of attrition.

2 hostages were shot dead and the rest were let go. Its believed that there may be bombs around the city.

A tough few days for Australia
ES Member | [a] Adventure
I'm actually really impressed with the way Australia has been reacting towards Muslims since this happened like if that happened here in England the EDL would have a field day.

I watched some stuff about that and you just gotta wonder. Australia really?
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Hoping the remaining hostages hold out. If all goes well, they're all gonna be released once their captor realizes that he's on the losing end of a war of attrition.

Also, yo Inq.

Hey man! It's been awhile.