Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
lol JT check out the trickshotting in skyrim

Hahaha what the fuck.

By the way, I'm done with oral polish. 100%, aced. The teachers were pretty satisfied with my presentation and later with the answers to the questions they'd asked.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
I didn't actually expect it, haha.

Is the level so high? I imagine anybody frequently (hurr, maybe not now, but look at the fucking post count) would have no difficulty getting very high scores at english exams.
My oral english will be on 21st may. I suppose it shouldn't give me any trouble.

I'll know the results for non-oral exams on ~28th July tho, a bit of waiting. From my calculations I should be getting ~90% at basic maths, 70-80 @ adv. maths, over 50% from polish (it feels fucking random, it can go anywhere between 40 and 90%), probably 100% from both basic and adv. english (0 errors in the tests, but there are also essays to write for both basic and adv. levels - they should be fine, but there's always some tiny room for mistakes).

By the way, during that presentation about insanity, Batman was really great choice. It turned out that one of the teachers absolutely loved the role of Heath Ledger (which I praised in the presentation) and generally was sort of fan of that actor.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
The thing with the Oral exam here was that it was a discussion. Which means I kinda had to rely on my group members to not fuck up completely. Also even though the shit we had to discuss sucked, I still had some good arguments as it seems. Like in terms of actually speaking and like using the language I always get 100% but for actual shit I say it can be pretty random. Hope that was understandable, I'm kinda weird right now.

Sounds good man. I won't even be close to that level. Not even in English cause the exams here suck so freaking much. And for everything else, let's just say I'm waaaaaay too lazy and unmotivated, haha.
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Is the level so high? I imagine anybody frequently (hurr, maybe not now, but look at the fucking post count) would have no difficulty getting very high scores at english exams.
My oral english will be on 21st may. I suppose it shouldn't give me any trouble.

I'll know the results for non-oral exams on ~28th July tho, a bit of waiting. From my calculations I should be getting ~90% at basic maths, 70-80 @ adv. maths, over 50% from polish (it feels fucking random, it can go anywhere between 40 and 90%), probably 100% from both basic and adv. english (0 errors in the tests, but there are also essays to write for both basic and adv. levels - they should be fine, but there's always some tiny room for mistakes).

By the way, during that presentation about insanity, Batman was really great choice. It turned out that one of the teachers absolutely loved the role of Heath Ledger (which I praised in the presentation) and generally was sort of fan of that actor.

Grats to your oral skills... JT :P

Well I guess the high post count doesn't really count in a froum like this. I would point it to the non-topic posts here in Addicted about the world and anything else.

Oh and english ain't that hard if you do more than just in school. I had a 1 (best grade) in writing and needed to do another 1 in an extra oral test to get the best grade in total. And it was that easy, because I spoke alot english to friends in the internet at that time. My english was fluid and I didn't need to search for words. My topic was also pretty interesting. My teacher had to be my mother in time of the conversation and I needed to tell her that I am mature enough to drive to a night party.
I remember how she said "you know, all the young kids just want to do drugs and drink the most alkohol, just to be cool in the eyes of their friends.." and I just said with my pokerface "If you are my mum, for real, and this is not a dream, than you should remember how the life tought me a hard lesson, when, back in the days, my father allmost died in a crash with a man who drank alkohol. I allmost lost him and I would never ever wish that to somebody else. So tell me again how I would ever drink alkohol and drive through the night!"
I guess I looked stonily and she was kinda impressed. They didn't even discussed about the grade, they just gave me a 1 :)

Sounds like you did pretty good!

Who is not a fan of Heath Ledger in his role of the joker.. nobody could have done this better :P
I bet 2 bucks that his made your grade even better. Teachers never tell you that they have a little scope but when they love you, you get awesome grades .. easy as that.

Saw something on 9gag latlely where Boromir (?) sits in Rinvendell and says his favourite sentence, just changed to this; "one does not simply pass if the teacher doesn't like you"
Ok, I've just finished oral english, thus my exams are all over. Got 100%, obviously.
Now just waiting for the results of the rest of them exams, I should get them on 28th June or something like that.
Last edited by JtanK; Jun 2, 2013 at 10:23 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
28th fucking June.

Got 100% from both orals, gotta wait for the rest. I'll pass the exams for sure, the question is if they will be good enough to guarantee me entrance to the uni I want (although they probably will).

If you feel like reading:

My dad finished AGH, so did my brother. Thus I'm pretty much assured that the uni provides really good education etc. etc. Apart from that, it's in Kraków which is pretty nice city.

I'm mainly considering one of three subjects: Enviromental Engineering, Mining and Geoengineering or Electrical engineering (least probable, electronics are scary shit yo).
I'll make up my mind by the time I get the results, and I will know if I got in around ~15-20 July.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Well done man. I have my finals next week and I'm actually kinda scared cause I don't feel like I prepared enough. Oh well. The week after that I'll be in London, hanging out n shit.
Good luck then. And don't worry, I felt unprepared too, but it turned out pretty okay (at least that's what I think, unless the ominous 28th June will prove me wrong)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos