Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Bumhunter90 View Post

I guarantee you that this is the most retarded bullshit that has ever left my brain besides wearing only one pair of socks today...

I don't get it but it's epic
Originally Posted by Bumhunter90 View Post

I guarantee you that this is the most retarded bullshit that has ever left my brain besides wearing only one pair of socks today...

Derp. Appropriately enough we are currently discussing second WW and Auschwitz camp on polish lessons in school.

Also I'm steadily moving towards 'lol whatev' state, so it's gettin' better.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Bumhunter90 View Post

I guarantee you that this is the most retarded bullshit that has ever left my brain besides wearing only one pair of socks today...

Bum, get back in your cage :<
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this is a mix of an arabic guy with turkish, indian and other roots, as it seems.

typical german guy is like the following guy. Just imagine him with sandal over his socks and it would be perfect

polish girl

edit: Was that in some polish magazine or something? I do now really wonder if you guys can order the different nations on the map
It was on polish site with (not) funny pics.

But I guess you didn't get what I asked for. This picture means that you have so many immigrants in your country that typical german guy from your pic is no longer existing and your streets are filled with muslims and turkish and I wanted to ask if it's true and what's your opinion about it.
Been there, seen that.
It's a plague.
If you are concerned about your health, don't leave your flat at night unless you want to be gangbang'd by turks.
I live in a relatively small city in Bavaria. Not that big of a deal here. We have a shit ton of Russians though. It's alright though. Manly because I don't leave my house as often but still, lol.

EDIT: Also ye it is a plague sometimes. In Nürnberg, one of the bigger cities somewhat close to the one I live in, they jokingly renamed a part of the city to something close to Istanbul just because so many Turks live there. (Not officially ofc; also can't remember the name D: )
Last edited by flxy; Jan 27, 2013 at 04:07 PM.
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Derp. Appropriately enough we are currently discussing second WW and Auschwitz camp on polish lessons in school.

Also I'm steadily moving towards 'lol whatev' state, so it's gettin' better.

Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post

Gerfgts what is your opinion about immigrants in your country?

Well, well, well...
I don't have problems with friendly immigrants.
As long as they don't behave like fuckwits, its a-o-kay with me.

Now... here comes the kicker.
Whenever an immigrant of arabic or south-european heritage started a conversation with me, it was about having intercourse with my mom or pan-handling.
Therefor I am pre-judice about ALL people with a brown skin tone.
I wouldn't cry if they sent these apes back into their shithole of a country.
(I'm sorry for the five nice immigrants in Germany though)
Last edited by AHD; Jan 27, 2013 at 05:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''