I see no reason why I would give a fuck about them. Really as long as they don't say something like " OMG I'M BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE I HAVE A BRAN NEW SHIT" they can do and act however they want.
I gave up the hope years ago. I just mind my own business nowadays. I usually talk about stuff like that when I'm drunk... because that's what you do when you're drunk, right?
Anyway, spoiled kids are everywhere. I mean I'm kinda spoiled too (grew up as an only-child so no siblings to share shit with and give a fuck about; that might also be the reason I can't interact with people and hate everyone...). Get used to it. As long as you won't make the same mistakes once you have kids I still have a bit of faith for the world!
goddamn ,there's some serious talk going on over here ...

Originally Posted by Jtank

So you mean shadowelf lives in Łódź ? just being curious ,cause i live in Łódź ;)
Last edited by XmiechoX; Jan 8, 2013 at 04:42 PM.
I'm [Addicted]
Łódź is polish capital of toribash, apparently.
Elf, owca, janiklas, vitamino and few other faegs live there.

It's this simple.

By the way, only 10 days to my prom/ball/end-of-school-soon party/whatever you fucking will..

Around 4 months until my exams. Taking polish, maths (extended level) and english (ext. level). Was considering picking physics too, but I don't need that to get into the university I want + I'm not too sure my teacher is good enough to ensure me getting good score.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
As in what, having over 3,5k replies and 50k+ views? Or me and shadowelf spamming "no u"?

On the other hand hall of flame has turned into the hall of silent whine over the body of dead humanity and of regret and misery, where everybody comes to express his disappointment with the world, its' inhabitants and generally with the existence. And our brother in suffering Aikanaro has brought over this tendence from HoF to this thread. I SEE.

However, this thread will be but a short flash of light, soon to disappear within the shrouds of forgetfullnes. And the HoF will remain the indomitable well of tears for centuries to come*.

*I'll recruit my children to [Addicted], should I have any, and I insist you do the same, guys.

In relation to this post: fuck, I'm feeling melancholic.

And generally got weird feels and shit. Sort of happy, but then suddenly depressed. I'm bored and have nothing to do, but I also feel overwhelmed with shit that needs to be done. Feeling like I need to somehow use the energy I have, but then I also feel tired, aching and sleepy. And to make matters worse I've got stomach problems = stomachache and I'm chugging litres of tea with mint etc. to make myself feel better. But health aside: those fucking feels guys, so confusing.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Don't play fool, you just had 'studniówka' party, probably some heart problems with girls, lol.

'sort of happy, but then suddenly depressed.'
Get laid.

But remember

and have a drink later.

If not, fuck it and have a drink.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
probably some heart problems with girls, lol.

Not really, cause I ain't got any problems with the girl right now. But perhaps, all those feels might be because of love and other disasters.

More likely it's because I didn't have too much fun at the party because: was tired as fuck, had bad sleep the night before; my neck was aching like fucking hell [partially because of bad sleep]; I'm pretty positive I got slight food poisoning from meat I'd eaten there. @edit, oh and the music was shit. And because my stomach was fucking violated + I was in the company of a girl, I couldn't get drunk to overcome the problem of crapmusic.

And not gonna drink, my stomach won't suffer it. Maybe I've got DEM FEELS, but that's not enough to commit suicide via vodka.

and you know that I haaaaate alcohol, lol, xjtankx str8 edge 4eva abstinence
Last edited by JtanK; Jan 21, 2013 at 02:15 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
And generally got weird feels and shit. Sort of happy, but then suddenly depressed. I'm bored and have nothing to do, but I also feel overwhelmed with shit that needs to be done. Feeling like I need to somehow use the energy I have, but then I also feel tired, aching and sleepy. And to make matters worse I've got stomach problems = stomachache and I'm chugging litres of tea with mint etc. to make myself feel better. But health aside: those fucking feels guys, so confusing.

I guarantee you that this is the most retarded bullshit that has ever left my brain besides wearing only one pair of socks today...

''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''